Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Provides read access to settings in the configuration files.


ezini( section, variable [, ini file] )


section string Section to read value from. Yes.
variable string The name of the directive that should be accessed. Yes.
ini file string The target configuration file (default is "site.ini"). No.


A string containing the value of a configuration setting.


This operator makes it possible to access the settings in the configuration ("*.ini") files.


Example 1

{if eq(ezini( 'SomeSettings', 'Test', 'example.ini' ), 'hello' )}
    [...display something...]
    [...display something else...]

Conditional branching based on an configuration setting.

Balazs Halasy (05/02/2004 10:32 am)

Balazs Halasy (04/05/2005 1:46 pm)


  • in 3.9

    Now, you can use ezini_hasvariable() like
    For example:
    ezini_hasvariable( 'URL', 'URL', '' )
    ezini( 'URL', 'URL', 'my.ini',,,'hasVariable' )

    ezini( <BlockName>, <SettingName>, <FileName>,
           <IniPath>, <Should we put implementation to cache file?: 'inCache' or true()>,
           <Should we check for existence: 'hasVariable' or true()> )

    When compilation of tpl is enabled:
    ezini( 'URL', 'URL', 'my.ini',, 'inCache')
    ezini( 'URL', 'URL', 'my.ini',, true())

    => if ini variable doesn't exist warnings will not be shown
  • 4th parameter

    You should add in this document the fourth parameter which is not documented but implemented !

    ezini( section, variable [, ini file [, dynamic] ] )

    If dynamic = true, the value will be dynamically retrieved from ini file. Else, it will be retrieved during template compilation and will be hard coded in the compiled template.
    • Re: 4th parameter

      Sorry, I'm mistaken :

      ezini( section, variable [, ini file [, ini path [, dynamic] ] ] )

      If you don't need 'ini path' to be set, you can specify false()