Operator | Summary |
append | Returns the input string with a custom sequence appended to it. |
autolink | Returns the input string with the addresses replaced by link tags. |
begins_with | Checks if a string starts with a specific character/sequence. |
break | Returns the input string with all newlines converted to HTML breaks. |
chr | Generates a string based on the input array of ASCII/UNICODE values. |
compare | Compares the contents of two strings. |
concat | Merges several strings into one string. |
contains | Checks if a string contains a specific element. |
count_chars | Returns the length of the input string. |
count_words | Returns the number of words that make up the input string. |
crc32 | Returns the CRC32 polynomial of the input string. |
downcase | Returns a lowercased version of the input string. |
ends_with | Checks if a string ends with a specific character/sequence. |
explode | Splits the input string and returns it as an array of strings. |
extract | Returns a portion of the input string. |
extract_left | Returns a portion of the start of the input string. |
extract_right | Returns a portion of the end of the input string. |
indent | Returns an indented version of the input string. |
insert | Returns the input string with additional text inserted at a specified position. |
md5 | Returns the MD5 hash of the input string. |
nl2br | Returns the input string with all newlines converted to HTML breaks. |
ord | Returns an array containing the ASCII/UNICODE values of the input string. |
pad | Returns a lengthened version of the input string. |
prepend | Returns the input string prepended with a custom sequence. |
remove | Returns a pruned version of the input string. |
repeat | Returns a repeated version of the input string. |
reverse | Returns a reversed version of the input string. |
rot13 | Returns a ROT13 transformation of the input string. |
shorten | Returns a shortened version of the input string. |
simpletags | Returns a partially marked up version of the input string. |
simplify | Returns a simplified version of the input string. |
trim | Returns a stripped version of the input string. |
upcase | Returns a capitalized version of the input string. |
upfirst | Returns the input string with a capitalized initial letter. |
upword | Returns the input string with capitalized initial letters. |
wash | Returns an HTML-safe version of the input string. |
wordtoimage | Returns the input string with embedded image tags. |
wrap | Returns a wrapped version of the input string. |
Balazs Halasy (09/03/2005 1:01 pm)
Balazs Halasy (09/03/2005 1:13 pm)