Sets the metadata extractor handler to use.Usage
MetaDataExtractor[format]=<name metadata extractor handler>
This setting defines the metadata extractor handler to use, to extract metadata from a range of formats, for example PDF and MS Word.
In eZ Publish versions prior to 3.8.0, the following default settings for binary file indexing were specified in the "binaryfile.ini" configuration file:
MetaDataExtractor[text/plain]=plaintext MetaDataExtractor[application/pdf]=pdf MetaDataExtractor[application/msword]=word
Since eZ Publish 3.8.0, the default settings for binary file indexing have changed, and now look like this:
MetaDataExtractor[text/plain]=ezplaintext MetaDataExtractor[application/pdf]=ezpdf MetaDataExtractor[application/msword]=ezword
This setting is case sensitive.
MetaDataExtractor[text/plain]=ezplaintext MetaDataExtractor[application/pdf]=ezpdf MetaDataExtractor[application/msword]=ezword
This is the default setting.
Ester Heylen (08/10/2009 11:29 am)
Ester Heylen (23/06/2010 4:57 pm)
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