Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Lists the datatypes that needs to group their input fields when displayed in class edit mode.





This setting lists the datatypes that needs to group their input fields when displayed in class edit mode.
But keep in mind that the datatype may override this using PHP code.
Possible values are datatypes. A view the datatypes used by your installation visit the following location

<eZ  Publish installation>\kernel\classes\datatypes

By default, no datatypes are set to group input data when displayed in the class edit mode.

This setting is case sensitive.

Ester Heylen (23/06/2010 4:39 pm)

Ester Heylen (23/06/2010 4:39 pm)


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