Controls wether numerical HTML entities should be allowed.Usage
This directive can be used to control wether numerical HTML entities entered into XML fields (when using the XML block datatype) should be translated to their corresponding characters/symbols. By default, numerical HTML entities are disabled, but this doesn't disallow the direct entry of entities in XML fields. What happens is that if you enter the following...
Ӓ will see the exact same text when the page containing the XML is being shown.
When enabled, the entered entities will be translated and thus the system will show their corresponding symbols/characters/letters instead of the entered values. The syntax for entities is standard HTML: an ampersand followed by a hash, the number of the entity and a semicolon.
This feature is useful when there is a need to enter single special characters like for example Greek letters even if they are not supported by the character set being used. For example, the following...
...the system will produce a Greek capital omega letter instead of showing the code.
Balazs Halasy (06/05/2007 5:44 pm)
Balazs Halasy (06/05/2007 5:56 pm)
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