Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Sets the content type for email sent from eZ Publish.





The default setting is text/plain which means that mails sent are written in plain text. You can change this setting into text/html if you want to send HTML formatted mail. If you do this, you must also reformat all the mail templates with HTML tags.

Frederik Holljen (06/05/2005 11:07 am)

Frederik Holljen (06/05/2005 11:09 am)


  • html and text in one email?

    Is there a way to send the html version and the text version in the same email?
  • send html email


    May i know where to set the text below when i want to send an HTML email ?

    need to add to which files? which directory?

    Eddie Lee
    • Re: send html email

      This is in site.ini under [MailSettings]. You'd add it to settings/Yoursiteaccess/site.ini.append.php.
  • Changing contenttype in template

    with v.4.2 it is possible to set the mail contenttype in the template
    (e.g. in templates/content/collectedinfomail):

    {set-block scope=root variable=content_type}text/html{/set-block}

    The ini setting will be overridden for this template then.