Maps MIME types or groups to class identifiers.Usage
MimeClassMap[<MIME type>]=<class identifier>
MimeClassMap[<MIME group>]=<class identifier>
This setting maps either MIME types or MIME groups to class identifiers. The key can be either a MIME type, for example [image/jpeg], or a MIME group, for example [image]. By using only the group, the entire MIME group will be mapped to the class identifier.
This setting is case sensitive.
MimeClassMap[] MimeClassMap[image]=image MimeClassMap[video/quicktime]=quicktime MimeClassMap[video/x-msvideo]=windows_media MimeClassMap[video/vnd.rn-realvideo]=real_video MimeClassMap[application/vnd.rn-realmedia]=real_video MimeClassMap[application/x-shockwave-flash]=flash
These are the default settings. It illustrates how to map different MIME types of the same MIME group to different class identifiers. For example, video/quicktime is mapped to quicktime, video/x-msvideo is mapped to windows_media and video/vnd.rn-realvideo is mapped to real_video.
Geir Arne Waaler (13/10/2010 12:59 pm)
Geir Arne Waaler (13/10/2010 12:59 pm)
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