Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Fetches the number of times different values were collected.


fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count_list', hash( 'object_attribute_id', object_attribute_id ) )


object_attribute_id integer The ID number of the target object attribute. Yes.


An array of integers representing a count for every value.


This function calculates and returns the sum of collected values (integers). It was developed for the poll feature.


Example 1

{def $counts=fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count_list',
                    hash( 'object_attribute_id', 1024 ) )}
{foreach $counts as $count}
    {$count} <br />

Outputs the number of times different values were collected.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 12:05 pm)

Balazs Halasy (29/04/2005 8:27 am)


  • hmm...

    Summary : Fetches the number of times different values were collected.
    Returns: An array of integers representing a count for every value.
    Description: This function calculates and returns the sum of collected values (integers).

    Is it me, or are those 3 descriptions all contradicting eachother ? :-)
  • translations

    Beware: since this fetch takes a contentobjectattribute id, it will return results for one specific language only - because the translated attribute has a different id.

    Depending on how you construct your code, viewing the german object may return only the german results, for example.

    • Re: translations

      I know that $contentobject_attribute_id is difrent for each translation, but please let me know if there is there any other way to get results from all languages without changing the code:

      {def $attribute=$contentobject_attribute_item
      $contentobject_attribute_id=cond( $attribute|get_class|eq( 'ezinformationcollectionattribute' ),$attribute.contentobject_attribute_id,
      $attribute|get_class|eq( 'ezcontentobjectattribute' ),$ )
      $contentobject_attribute=cond( $attribute|get_class|eq( 'ezinformationcollectionattribute' ),$attribute.contentobject_attribute,
      $attribute|get_class|eq( 'ezcontentobjectattribute' ),$attribute )
      $total_count=fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count', hash( 'object_attribute_id', $contentobject_attribute_id ) )
      $item_counts=fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count_list', hash( 'object_attribute_id', $contentobject_attribute_id ) )}
