Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Provides an interface for downloading files stored by the "File" datatype.

View Parameters:

NameIs Ordered?DescriptionExample use
ContentObjectID Yes. Specifies the Content Object ID of the file to download. REQUIRED. /content/download /[ContentObjectID] /[ContentObjectAttributeID] /version/[Version] /file/[file_name]
ContentObjectAttributeID Yes. Specifies the Content Object Attribute ID of the file to download. REQUIRED. /content/download /[ContentObjectID] /[ContentObjectAttributeID] /version/[Version] /file/[file_name]
Version Yes. Specifies the Version ID of the Content Object to get content from. Please be aware that not using this parameter may cause cache issues. REQUIRED. /content/download /[ContentObjectID] /[ContentObjectAttributeID] /version/[Version] /file/[file_name]
File Yes. Specifies the name of the file, which will be used bu the browser to save the file. Please be aware that not using this parameter may cause issues with the browser, when trying to save the file. REQUIRED. /content/download /[ContentObjectID] /[ContentObjectAttributeID] /version/[Version] /file/[file_name]

Balazs Halasy (12/03/2005 1:54 pm)

Ricardo Correia (23/09/2013 2:45 pm)

Balazs Halasy, Ricardo Correia


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