eZ Documentation Center

This is outdated documentation made for eZ Publish Platform 5.1. It is being moved into the eZ Publish 5.x documentation, so please go there for most up-to-date documentation.

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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

This section describes how to completely remove an eZ Publish installation from a system.

Removing eZ Publish is done in four steps:

  1. Deleting the eZ Publish directory
  2. Removing the database
  3. Reconfiguring Apache (optional)
  4. Removing the cronjobs (optional)
  5. Removing the NFS shares and cluster database (for clustered installations only)

WARNING! By following these steps, you will remove both eZ Publish and all the data/content that you have put into the system. Everything will be lost, unless there are backups available somewhere.

Deleting the eZ Publish directory

Remove the eZ Publish directory using your favorite tool.


On Linux/UNIX systems, the removal would most likely be carried out using the "rm" command:

No Format
$ rm -Rf /path/to/ez_publish


Please note that some file/directory permissions might be messed up. If this is the case, it will prevent a regular user from removing all eZ Publish files. You'll probably have to gain root access to solve this problem.


Windows users may simply delete the eZ Publish directory using the "Explorer".

Removing the database


  1. Start the MySQL client, log in using your username and password:

    No Format
    $ mysql -u <username> -p


    If the username/password is correct, the client will then present a "mysql>" prompt.

  2. Delete/remove the database using the drop command followed by the name of the database used by eZ Publish:

    No Format
    mysql> drop database <database-name>;


  1. Remove the database by executing the PostgreSQL dropdb command from shell:

    No Format
    $ dropdb <database-name>

Reconfiguring Apache (optional)

If a virtual host setup was used, it is likely that the Apache configuration files contain eZ Publish specific settings. These settings will not be needed anymore and thus they can be removed. Open the "httpd.conf" file using a text editor, scroll down to the bottom and remove the eZ Publish specific virtual host settings. Remember to restart Apache after altering the configuration file.

Removing the cronjobs (optional)

If cron was configured to run eZ Publish specific jobs, then these will have to be removed. You may have to edit a global cron file (under "/etc/cron*") or use the "crontab" command with the -e (edit) parameter to edit a user's private cron file. Remove the eZ Publish specific entries.

Windows users should remove any eZ Publish specific tasks from the specific scheduling system they used, e.g. "windows scheduled tasks" (note that eZ Publish does not install any scheduled task automatically on its own)