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Comment: added new online editor options

Content items are the basic building blocks of your repository.

  Before you start creating content, you need to know what types of content to choose. eZ Platform allows you to create various types of content. A clean installation only has the most fundamental Content Types, and the Demo Bundle provides a an example set of Content Types to get you started, but you can also . You can, however, create your own types to fit your content strategy.

titleIn this topic

Table of Contents



Creating a new Content item

titleTo create content through Content mode:

1. Go to the Content mode.

2. Click the Content structure option.

3. On the left side, click on Content tree to navigate to the Content item under which you want to create new Content.

4. Click the + Create option in the Action bar on the right.


Please wait a moment while the Content Types are loading.

5. Click the Content Type you would like to create.



Choosing a Content Type

Content Types are divided into groups (by default, eZ Plaftorm Platform comes with content type Content Type groups Content, User , and Media and Setup) according to their purpose.


Content Types from the User and Setup groups group are not intended to be placed on your pages. Instead, they play an administrative role.

A list of all Content Types you can choose is visible under Available content types. You can filter this list:

  • Filter by group: you can filter the Content Types by selecting one or more groups that you are interested in. By default, the Content group is selected.
  • Search as you type: You can enter the name of the Content Type you wish to search. As you type, a list of matching results will automatically appear.


Content Type choice menu

Platform content menu


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titleSee a video on how to create a new Content item

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Entering information about new content

A newly created Content item opens in a New <content type name> form with a number of empty fields.

titleTo fill in the new Content:

1. In the New <content <Content type name> form, fill in the fields of the new object.


The form may have different sets of fields, depending on the Content Type you have chosen.


All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

2. Enter information in different formats.


Depending on the Field Types, you need to enter information in different formats. You may need to upload a file (for example an image), to enter plain text, formatted text, and so on.

3. To save your changes, click Save.

Empty Content item of the Article type New "Article" Content item


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titleSee a video on how to enter information about a Content item

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Editing Rich Text Fields

Rich Text Fields are filled using a special Online Editor whose options appear when you click the Field box.

A Rich Text Field can contain four types of elements: Heading, Paragraph, Image and Embed.

Popup with element choiceImage Removed

You can add a new element to the Field by clicking the Plus icon - add elementImage Addedplus icon to the left of the box and choosing element type.

You have the following element types to choose from:

Plus icon - add elementImage Removed

For Heading and Paragraph elements Heading, Paragraph, List, Image and Embed.

Popup with element choiceImage Added


For the Heading element you can select alignment (aligned left, center, right or justified). A Heading element It also has a level (from Heading 1 to Heading 6).

Heading element with options


The paragraph element also allows you to select alignment.


This element lets you insert an unordered list onto the page.


Select any part of a Heading, Paragraph or Paragraph List element to access text formatting options, including an option to add a link:

Text formatting options


An Embed element requires you to select a Content item to embed using the Universal Discovery Widget. An Image element works similarly, allowing you to place You can also choose the alignment of the element:

Embed element optionsImage Added


This element lets you select an Image Content item using the Universal Discovery Widget and place it in the Field.

For each embedded image you can choose one of the predefined image variations from a drop-down list. These variations are typically used to display different image sizes. You can also choose the image's alignment:

Image element optionsImage Added

titleFurther information

Available image variations, including different sizing options and other filters that can be applied to images, can be configured for your installation at a developer level. See Image alias handling for a technical guide on how to do this.

You can delete any existing element in a Rich Text Field by selecting it and clicking the trash icon.


Click the Focus icon located to the right above the Rich Text box. This moves you to a special distraction-free editing mode, where only the current Field is visible. Exit this Focus mode by clicking Save and return in the upper right corner of the screen.



Keyboard Shortcuts

When working with the Online Editor you can make use of common keyboard shortcuts. Many of them will be familiar to you from popular editing software.

titleList of keyboard shortcuts

Based on!/guide/dev_shortcuts

Enter – Starts a new paragraph.

Shift+Enter – Adds a line break.

Ctrl+Backspace, Ctrl+Del – Deletes a word.


Ctrl+B – Applies bold formatting to the selected text.

Ctrl+I – Applies italics formatting to the selected text.

Ctrl+U – Applies underline formatting to the selected text.

Tab – Indents a list item.

Shift+Tab – Reduces the indent of a list item.


Ctrl+Z – Undoes an operation.

Ctrl+Y, Shift+Ctrl+Z – Redoes an undo operation.

Ctrl+X, Shift+Del – Removes the selected text and copies it to clipboard.

Ctrl+C – Copies the selected text to clipboard.

Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert – Pastes the selected text from clipboard.


Home – Jumps to the beginning of the line.

Ctrl+Home – Jumps to the beginning of the document.

End – Jumps to the end of the line.

Ctrl+End – Jumps to the end of the document.


Ctrl+A – Selects the whole document.

Shift+Arrow – Selects a fragment of text letter-by-letter.

Ctrl+Shift+Arrow – Selects a fragment of text word-by-word.

Shift+Home – Selects a fragment of text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Shift+End – Selects a fragment of text from the cursor to the end of the line.

Ctrl+Shift+Home – Selects a fragment of text from the cursor to the beginning of the document.

Ctrl+Shift+End – Selects a fragment of text from the cursor to the end of the document.


Alt+F10 – Makes the options of the currently displayed toolbar active You can then move between them using arrow keys.

Space or Enter – Activates a toolbar button or menu option.


Esc – Exits Edit mode without saving.




Video icon

titleSee a video on how to edit a Rich Text field

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Previewing the new content

At any time you can preview your content before publishing it. Click the relevant icon that represents desktop, tablet or mobile phone.

Icons for previewing Content on different displays


Saving and publishing

Once you have finished working on your Content item, you can choose to save or publish it .