eZ Documentation Center

This is outdated documentation made for eZ Publish Platform 5.1. It is being moved into the eZ Publish 5.x documentation, so please go there for most up-to-date documentation.

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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Please find below the mandatory requirements and the checks that are performed when you install Symfony, and adapt your environment accordingly, so you can successfully install and use it with in your eZ Publish 5 projects.


Pre-requisite: You must have downloaded Symfony to your computer.

After downloading Symfony, run the following script:

Code Block
php app/check/check.php

This script will take you to the basic configurations of your project. You can also do the same by editing the 'app/config/parameters.ini' file.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • PHP version must be at least 5.3.2 or higher
  • The "date.timezone" setting must be set
  • The app/logs directory must be writable
  • The app/cache directory must be writable
  • The json_encode() must be available

Optional Checks:

  • The PHP-XML module is installed
  • The libxml version is at least 2.6.21
  • The token_get_all() function is available
  • The mb_strlen() function is available
  • The iconv() function is available
  • The utf8_decode() is available
  • The posix_isatty() is available
  • The intl extension is available
  • The PHP accelerator is installed
  • The php.ini file has short_open_tag set to off
  • The php.ini file has magic_quotes_gpc set to off
  • The php.ini file has register_globals set to off
  • The php.ini file has session.auto_start set to off

Optional Checks (Doctrine):

  • PDO is installed
  • PDO has some drivers installed: mysql, odbc, sqlite2, sqlite


    Note that the PHP CLI can use a different php.ini file than the one used with your web server. In this case please, also lunch this utility from your web server.

    When you run the 'php.check' script, it will show you the path of the php.ini file used by PHP, for instance: "php used by PHP: /opt/local/etc/php5/php.ini".


The script will check all points listed above. Take the actions needed to correct any problem that occurs, and then click on the "Re-check Configuration" link to start the checking again.