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titleVersion compatibility

This Twig helper is available as of eZ Publish 5.3 / 2014.03



"input"|ez_file_size() is a Twig helper (Twig filter) which is mostly a byte calculator. This It will convert a number from byte to the correct suffixe suffix (from B to EB). The output pattern will also vary with the current language of the site access (e.g. choosing between coma or point pattern).

It returns a Stringstring.


The byte factor is 1000 instead of 1024 to be more usual familiar for users.

Prototype and Arguments

 integer number_of_bytes|ez_file_size( integer number_of_decimal   )

Argument nameTypeDescription
number_of_bytesintegerThe number in byte we want to convert
The number of decimal we want our output to have
