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titleVersion compatibility

This Twig helper is available as of eZ Publish 5.2 / 2013.09


ez_content_name() is a Twig helper allowing to display which allows displaying a Content item's name in the current language.

If the current language cannot be found as a translation for content, the name in the main language is always returned. This behavior is identical when forcing a language.


Code Block
<h2>Content name in current language: {{ ez_content_name( content ) }}</h2>
<h2>Content name in current language, from ContentInfo: {{ ez_content_name( content.contentInfo ) }}</h2>
<h2>Content name in french (forced): {{ ez_content_name( content, "fre-FR" ) }}</h2>

Equivalent PHP code

Getting the translated name for a


Content item

Code Block
// Assuming we're in a controller action
$translationHelper = $this->get( 'ezpublish.translation_helper' );
// From Content
$translatedContentName = $translationHelper->getTranslatedContentName( $content );
// From ContentInfo
$translatedContentName = $translationHelper->getTranslatedContentNameByContentInfo( $contentInfo );
