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eZ Platform "Alpha3" available for testing

July 6th 2015

The third alpha release of eZ Platform,15.05 builds upon the 15.03 March release adding additional support for editing- and browsing-capabilities. It also contains several underlying improvements and fixes that will be part of the 5.3.6 and 5.4.3 maintenance versions that will be released soon.


Besides lots of smaller improvements and fixes found bellow, and mentioned above for the 5.x sub release, the main changes are: 

Improved Symfony 2.7/3.0 support

Symfony 2.7 LTS is now fully supported, and no deprecation errors should be thrown anymore. This should also ensure compatibility with the 2.8 and 3.0 releases planned for november this year.

Dynamic settings have been refactored to use the Expression Language instead of fake services.

More info: Symfony 2.7/3.0 epic, Symfony 2.7 announcement blog post


Content Type administration UI

Content types can now be created or edited from PlatformUI, inside the Admin panel. The feature isn't visually integrated yet, but already covers most FieldTypes. Progress can be followed on the Epic above.

Forms themselves use the Symfony Forms component. The implementation has been done in a distinct package, dedicated to providing Forms for the eZ Repository domain: Repository Forms.

More info: Content type management epicrepository-forms on Githubrepository-forms on Packagist.





Image variations purging

Image variations generated by Imagine can now be purged using the application console. It can either clear all variations, or variations of a particular alias:

Code Block
# Clear all variations of the large and gallery aliases/filters
php ezpublish/console liip:imagine:cache:remove --filters=large --filters=gallery -v

Note that this change comes with a modification of the variations storage path. This change will be transparent from a user's perspective, but you may want to purge the existing variations. To do this, you need to switch to the legacy handler by redeclaring the ezpublish.image_alias.variation_purger service to ezpublish.image_alias.variation_purger.legacy_storage_image_file.

More info: Technical specificationsImplementation story.


content/download controller for Binary Files

Downloading of binary file is now natively supported, and doesn't require a legacy fallback anymore.

A new controller and route have been added, and the Image and BinaryFile content field templates have been updated. Permissions are transparently checked during download, and HTTP resume is supported. The Route Reference API, provides facilities to generate the right path from templates, and a valid URI is exposed over REST.

More info: Documentation, SpecificaftionsImplementation storyContent view module epic.


Platform UI : move, copy and send content to trash

Thanks to the addition of the Universal Discovery Widget in 2015.03, those functions have been added to PlatformUI.

More info: Content CRUD UI epic 





Platform UI notifications

Notifications will now be displayed upon certain events in the backoffice.

Each notification is either an information (content was published, location was removed...), or an error. A reusable javascript API makes it easy to re-use the system for your own needs, if any, on PlatformUI. A PHP API has also been added in order to send notifications from the Symfony controllers used to implement some parts of the backoffice.

More info: UI notifications epic


Rich text editing prototype based on Alloy

A prototype of the WYSWIGYG editor for the RichText FieldType has been added. It is based on Alloy Editor, itself based on CKEditor. 

To see it in action, you need to create a new Content Type with a RichText Field. A perfect opportunity to test the Content Type admin UI.

More info: Alloy EditorRichText editing epicprototype screencast

Re-usable privacy cookie handling

The ezsystems/privacy-cookie-bundle package, introduced in the 15.03 release, has been made much more flexible. It now comes with a Factory interface and a Banner value object, so that it is easy to pick the banner's content in different ways.

The built-in implementation uses a configuration file based Factory, allowing you to configure the cookie banner using simple yaml files.

More info: github repository 

Other notable changes

  • Legacy storage engine performances improvements
    • JIRA
      servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
    • JIRA
      servereZ Systems JIRA tracker


Changes (Stories, Improvements and bug fixes) can be found in our issue tracker: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryfixVersion="2015.05" AND project = EZP AND issuetype in (Story, Improvement, Bug) order by issuetype
 (some are still pending additional documentation changes)

Known issues & upcoming features

List of issues specifically affecting this release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype in (bug) AND affectedVersion = 2015.05 ORDER BY priority

General "Known issues" in Platform stack compared to Legacy

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND affectedVersion ="Known Issues 5.x Stack" AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

Epics tentatively* planned for first stable release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion=Pollux AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

Epics tentatively* planned for first LTS release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion="Mauna Kea" AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

'* Some of these features will not be in the stable releases, the once we first and foremost will aim for having in the release are those mentioned on the Roadmap.