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ez_field_description() is a Twig helper which returns a Content item's field FieldDefinition description in the current language.

This can be useful when you don't want to use a sub-request and custom controller to be able to display this information.

If the current language cannot be found as a translation for content, the main language will be used. This behavior is identical when forcing a language using forcedLanguage.

Prototype and Arguments

ez_field_description( Content|ContentInfo content, string fieldDefIdentifier[, string forcedLanguage)

Argument nameTypeDescription
contenteZ\Publish\CoreAPI\Repository\Values\Content\Content or
Content / ContentInfo object the fieldDefIdentifier belongs to.
fieldDefIdentifierstringIdentifier of the field we want to get the FieldDefinition description from.
forcedLanguagestringLanguage we want to force (e.g. "eng-US"), otherwise takes prioritized languages from SiteAccess settings.


Code Block
<p id="ez-content-article-title-description">{{ ez_field_description( content, "title" ) }}</p>