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Technical documentation:

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Comment: added mention of field groups


A Content Type and its Field definitions can be modified after creation, even if there are already Content items based on it in the system. When a Content Type is modified, each of its instances will be changed as well. If a new Field definition is added to a Content Type, this Field will appear (empty) in every relevant Content item. If a Field definition is deleted from the Content Type, all the corresponding Fields will be removed from Content items of this type.

Diagram of an example Content Type


titleSINCE 1.3/16.04

You can assign each Field defined in a Content Type to a group by selecting one of the groups in the Category drop-down. Available groups can be configured in the content repository.




A Field is the smallest unit of storage in the content model and the building block that all Content items consist of. Every Field belongs to a Field Type.
