Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


To install the Paynet Terminal extension, the following steps need to be performed in the given order:

  1. exctract the compressed archive
  2. activate the extension
  3. add a workflow and trigger
  4. configure the extension

The first two steps are explained in the extension installation chapter, the rest will be explained here.

Add a workflow and trigger

The Paynet Terminal extension is hooked into the eZ Publish system as a workflow event. This means that once a shopping checkout is executed, the Paynet Terminal routines will be triggered as part of a eZ Publish workflow. To achieve this functionality, a new workflow as well as a trigger need to be defined. This can be done conveniently in the eZ Publish administration interface:

Add a workflow

Navigate to "Setup > Workflows" and add a new workflow to the CMS. Choose a name like "Paynet Terminal Workflow" and select the "Paynet / Payment Gateway" event from the list of events. Hereafter click on the "Add event" button. If you like you can optionally add a description, then press the "OK" button.

Add a trigger

Go to the list of triggers located at "Setup > Triggers". Here, select the previously created workflow "Paynet Terminal Workflow" from the "shop checkout before" drop-down list, and press "Apply changes".

Configure the extension

After a fresh install of the extension, its configuration must be updated in order to make it work properly. The available configuration options are explained in the next section.

Raymond Bosman (18/03/2005 9:54 am)

Raymond Bosman (01/07/2005 8:12 am)

Raymond Bosman, Sandro Groganz


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