To install the Paynet Terminal extension, the following steps need to be performed in the given order:
- exctract the compressed archive
- activate the extension
- add a workflow and trigger
- configure the extension
The first two steps are explained in the extension installation chapter, the rest will be explained here.
Add a workflow and trigger
The Paynet Terminal extension is hooked into the eZ Publish system as a workflow event. This means that once a shopping checkout is executed, the Paynet Terminal routines will be triggered as part of a eZ Publish workflow. To achieve this functionality, a new workflow as well as a trigger need to be defined. This can be done conveniently in the eZ Publish administration interface:
Add a workflow
Navigate to "Setup > Workflows" and add a new workflow to the CMS. Choose a name like "Paynet Terminal Workflow" and select the "Paynet / Payment Gateway" event from the list of events. Hereafter click on the "Add event" button. If you like you can optionally add a description, then press the "OK" button.
Add a trigger
Go to the list of triggers located at "Setup > Triggers". Here, select the previously created workflow "Paynet Terminal Workflow" from the "shop checkout before" drop-down list, and press "Apply changes".
Configure the extension
After a fresh install of the extension, its configuration must be updated in order to make it work properly. The available configuration options are explained in the next section.
Raymond Bosman (18/03/2005 9:54 am)
Raymond Bosman (01/07/2005 8:12 am)
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