Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


The following list shows the requirements for using version 1.8 of the database extension.

  1. eZ Publish version 4.0.x (but not 4.0.0).
  2. Oracle Database server software version 9, 10 or 11.
  3. Oracle Database client software version 9 or higher with the SQL*Plus command line tool. (Note that the easy connect naming method is currently not supported by the database extension. Therefore, you will most likely need a "tnsnames.ora" file.)
  4. The PHP version that is required for your specific eZ Publish version, with Oracle support. It is strongly recommended to use a recent stable version of the OCI8 extension module for PHP (version 1.2.5 or 1.3.4 at the time of writing). Refer to the OCI8 changelogs for more information about latest versions of the extension.
  5. Proper Oracle environment variables setup (refer to the documentation of the PHP Oracle functions and the SQL*Plus tool for more information). Note that eZ Publish 4 requires a UTF-8 database, and thus the character set component of the NLS_LANG variable can only be set to UTF-8 ("AL32UTF8"). This variable must be set if you use Oracle Database server version prior to 9.2.
  6. A user that has the following system privileges on the Oracle database server:




    Connect to the database.


    Create tables in own schema. Also allows the creation of indexes (including those for integrity constraints) on table in own schema.


    Create a trigger in own schema.


    Create a sequence in own schema.


    Create stored procedures, functions, and packages in own schema.

    It is recommended that the user also has unlimited quota on the tablespace in which the user schema has been created. This is due to the fact that eZ Publish is a content management system, and therefore it needs to be able to store large amounts of data. The size of the site is usually proportional with the storage needs.

Svitlana Shatokhina (19/12/2006 3:51 pm)

Gaetano Giunta (20/05/2009 1:46 pm)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Gaetano Giunta


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