Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


You can configure eZ Publish to store images, binary files and content-related caches in an Oracle database. This is typically useful if you want to run a site on a cluster of servers (refer to the "Clustering" section in the "Features" chapter of the eZ Publish Technical Manual for more information).

The following instructions explain how this can be done, assuming that you already have an eZ Publish site running on an Oracle database. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Clearing the caches (optional)
  2. Modifying the "file.ini" settings
  3. Creating a new script for serving images
  4. Creating new database structures
  5. Importing files to the database
  6. Compiling the templates (optional)
  7. Updating the Apache configuration
  8. Restarting Apache and testing the site
  9. Removing the imported files from the filesystem

These steps are very similar to the ones that are used when configuring eZ Publish to use clustering on a MySQL database, with a few differences in the first four steps, as described below.

1. Clearing the caches (optional)

It is recommended (but not required) to clear all eZ Publish caches before enabling the clustering functionality. This can be done by running the "bin/php/ezcache.php" script as shown below:

php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all --purge

After running the script, make sure that all cache files have been cleared by inspecting the contents of the various cache subdirectories within the "var" directory (typically the "var/cache/" and "var/<name_of_siteaccess>/cache/" directories). If there are any cache files left, remove them manually.

2. Modifying the "file.ini" settings

Add the following lines to an override for the "file.ini" configuration file ("settings/override/file.ini.append.php" or "settings/siteaccess/ezwebin_site/file.ini.append.php" where "ezwebin_site" is the name of your siteaccess):


Replace "ORCL", "scott" and "tiger" with the actual data:

  • Name of the Oracle instance (usually a simple name specified in your "tnsnames.ora" file)
  • User name
  • Password

In most cases these values will be the same as the "Database", "User" and "Password" settings specified in the [DatabaseSettings] block of your "site.ini.append.php" configuration file.

The "DBHost", "DBPort" and "DBSocket" settings can be left empty, since they are not used when running eZ Publish on an Oracle database.

Setting the "FileHandler" configuration directive to "ezdb" will instruct eZ Publish to use the specified database for storing images, binary files and content-related caches. The "DBBackend" setting specifies the back-end to be used by the "ezdb" file handler. The "ExtensionDirectories" configuration array specifies the extension directories where eZ Publish should search for additional cluster file handlers and/or back-ends. The settings above will instruct eZ Publish to use the back-end located in "extension/ezoracle/clusterfilehandlers/dbbackends/oracle.php".

The "DBChunkSize" setting determines the size of the blocks (in bytes) into which files are split when they are fetched from the database.

3. Creating a new script for serving images

All images (except design images) will be served by PHP. Apache will be instructed to use a specific PHP script called "index_cluster.php" for handling images. The script must include "index_image.php" along with a collection of configuration settings. This trick makes the serving of images faster because the system does not have to read the configuration from the database. Create the "index_cluster.php" inside the eZ Publish root directory and make sure that it contains the following lines:

define( 'STORAGE_BACKEND',     'oracle'          );
define( 'STORAGE_USER',        'scott'           );
define( 'STORAGE_PASS',        'tiger'           );
define( 'STORAGE_DB',          'ORCL'            );
define( 'STORAGE_CHUNK_SIZE',  65535             );
include_once( 'index_image.php' );

Make sure you specify the same database settings as indicated in the "[ClusteringSettings]" block in your "file.ini.append.php" configuration file.

You must also copy the "index_image_oracle.php" file from the "extension/ezoracle" directory to the root directory of your eZ Publish installation.

4. Creating new database structures

You have to create some structures in the database manually. You'll find the needed definitions in the "oracle.php" file located in the "extension/ezoracle/clusterfilehandlers/dbbackends" for eZDBFileHandlerOracleBackend and in the "extension/ezoracle/clusterfilehandlers/dfsbackends" for eZDFSFileHandlerOracleBackend subdirectories. The definitions are placed inside comment blocks in the beginning of the file.

When using the SQL*Plus command line tool, be sure not to miss the ending slash ("/") in the last line of the PL/SQL code copied from the "oracle.php" file.

5. Importing files to the database

Refer to the "Clustering - Setting it up" documentation page for details on steps 5-9.

Svitlana Shatokhina (16/10/2008 12:21 pm)

Yannick Roger (20/10/2015 2:55 pm)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Yannick Roger


  • character set for the cluster database

    If you read issue 175 in the tracker (, you will find out that it is a good idea to create the cluster database using the UTF8 character set
  • binary purge cronjob

    The cluster_maintenance cronjob is

    . not needed when using the Oracle eZDB handler.
    All binary files are immediately deleted in the database

    . not effective when using the Oracle eZDFS handler.
    A separate script is provided to the same effect:


    Please note that it can take a long time to run, as it has to scan the complete
    dfs mount point for expired files.
    It can put a lot of strain on the NFS server, too.
    Run it once with the --help option to see all available options for it and take
    advantage of those options to tune its usage to your needs.