Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Manage account details

Manage account details

To manage your account details for the eZ Recommender Service visit the URL

You will find the following screen:

eZ Recommender Manage Account Details

To get access to the configuration Portal, fill out the required fields Email and Password with the data you created during registration and click Submit. If not registered, simply add a new account.

You will be redirected to the Welcome page showing available Recommendation Scenarios and Account Data.

eZ Recommender Manage Account Details

On the upper right part of the screenshot you will find your account detail information:

  • Login: Your Email address used for registration
  • Webpage URL: Your website the eZ Recommender service will be connected to.
  • Customer ID: Your Customer ID
  • License Key: Your personal authentication code

You need the Customer ID and den License Key to connect eZ Publish with your Recommendation service account.

Please edit the ezrecommendation.ini file located in the directory <eZ publish root directory>/extension/ezrecommendation/settings:

# Insert here your ezrecommendation customer id and your license key.
CustomerID= your customerID (Webpage Code)”
LicenseKey= your license key

Below you will find a list of the scenarios which are provided for your recommendation calculation. Most scenarios are self-explanatory e.g.:

eZ Recommender Manage Account Details

  • also_clicked 

                          “Customers who clicked this item, also clicked …”

  • also_purchased       

                          “Customers who bought this product, also bought …”

  • top_clicked

                          Most clicked items” / “Most popular items”

  • top_consumed

                          “Most bought products” / “Most popular products bought”

  • umltimatly_bought   

                   “Customers who clicked this item, ultimately bought the
                    following products with probability of e.g. 53% (product 1),
                    22% (product 2) and 9% (product 3)”

The list of scenarios depends on your type of account. The Recommendation service differentiates between online shops and publishers. It also varies from Basic to Advanced license.

Andrea Melo (30/05/2012 3:28 pm)

Andrea Melo (31/05/2012 1:58 pm)


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