All the useful configuration directives are located in the file .../extension/ezsi/settings/ezsi.ini.append.php
Possible configuration settings:
- ForceRegenerationString=<string>
- ForceRegenerationValue=<string>
It is possible to force the regeneration of a block by passing <ForceRegenerationString>=<ForceRegenerationValue> in the URL.
Example<ForceRegenerationString>=<ForceRegenerationValue> ForceRegenerationString=force_siblocks_update ForceRegenerationValue=true
This will force eZ Publish to regenerate and update the SI blocks defined on the page with the following URL:
Possible configuration settings:
- BlockHandler=ESI
- BlockHandler=SSI
- BlockFilePathPrependString=<string>
When using this value, which is the default value, you are able to use Akamai, Varnish or any HTTP proxy which recognizes ESI markup. You will see the following markup in your templates:
<esi:include src="si-blocks/xxxxxxx.htm" ttl="yy"/>
When using this value, you should be able to use Apache's mod_include. Before using SSIs make sure your Apache server is ready to accept SSI calls. Please refer to the following documentation before using them:
You will see the following markup in your templates:
<!--#include virtual="si-blocks/xxxxxx.htm" -->
Defining a value to BlockFilePathPrependString is useful when your SI blocks and HTTP are not on the same server. The extension will automatically generate the string "si-blocks/<cachefilename>.htm" but this is not sufficient for remote file systems. Information needs to be added on how to access the file. This, for example may be the hostname needed to access the file directly.
If you intend to use a local storage, this directive must remain empty. Note that the trailing slash is mandatory.
Possible configuration values for the FileHandler setting:
- FileHandler=FS
- FileHandler=FTP
Use this setting in order to write all SI blocks on the local file system. All the files are then stored at var/si-blocks/*.
Use this setting to store all SI bocks on a remote FTP. Its configuration is described below. The blocks will be stored in si-blocks/*.
These settings only apply to the FTP FileHandler, so they will only be used when the following setting is set:
[SIFilesSettings] FileHandler=FTP
Possible configuration settings:
- Host=<string>
- Port=<integer>
- Login=<string>
- Password=<string>
- Timeout=<integer>
- DestinationFolder=<string>
[FTPSettings] Port=21 Login=user Password=publish Timeout=2 DestinationFolder=path/to/si-blocks/folder/
Note that for the DestinationFolder setting a trailing slash is mandatory.
Possible configuration setting:
- ActivateSIMarkup=enabled|disabled
When set to disable the extension will not insert the SI tags in the HTML page. This makes it possible to plan the use of SI blocks without breaking the HTML of the page. This is a useful setting for developing or debugging.
Possible configuration settings:
- DeleteSIBlockOnFailure=enabled|disabled
- CronjobForUpdatesOnly=yes|no
- UserAgentName=ezsi
Setting the CronjobForUpdatesOnly setting will automatically disable the ForceRegeneration configuration directives. And thus only permitting updates by means of a cronjob.
Ester Heylen (23/03/2010 11:49 am)
Ester Heylen (23/03/2010 1:24 pm)
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