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1. Install MySQL 

Download from the official MySQL webpage is strongly recommended.

2. Set up PHP

This step requires the modification of two files: Apache2 configuration file and php.ini.
These files can be edited using a terminal editor like vi or nano, or a simple text editor such as TextEdit or Atom.

a. Edit Apache2 configuration file:

b. Uncomment the following line:

c. If you can't locate the php.ini file on your machine, it's probably under php.ini.default. Create a new php.ini file based on defaults:

d. Open the file in a text editor (in this example, in vi):

e. Locate date.timezone and pdo_mysql.default_socket and provide them with values as in the example below:

f. Increase memory_limit value for eZ Platform:

3. Set up virtual host and start Apache2

a. Edit Apache2 configuration file:

b. Uncomment and modify the following lines:

c. Comment the following line:

d. Add the following line to the file:

e. Change permissions for virtual hosts storage directory (775):

4. Start Apache2 daemon using terminal

5. Install Composer globally

Composer is a dependency manager that allows you to install packages directly in the project. It is also checking all packages' versions on a regular basis to make sure they are up-to-date and to avoid inconsistencies.

6. Create a new database for eZ Platform

Create new database (you can substitute ez1 with the database name you want to use):

7. Install Brew package manager

Brew is a package manager for OS X, if you haven't used it already you are going to love what it does!

8. Install additional requirements for eZ Platform

a. Install PEAR/PECL extension:

b. Install autoconf:

c. Install intl:

d. The path to the ICU libraries and headers is: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/.

Edit /private/etc/php.ini and add following line:

e. Enable opcache extension for PHP (suggested, but not required) by adding:


9. Install eZ Platform

a. Go to the folder with your installation and set up directory permissions:


b. Download archive from Extract the eZ Platform archive to a directory, then execute post install scripts.


c. Copy the virtual host template:

d. Edit the new virtual host:

e. Modify virtual host file vhost.template. 

Replace the ---USER_ID--- variable (used in lines 10 and 17) with your current user ID. Use whoami command to get effective user ID of the currently logged user. If you want to use the default virtual host template (delivered with eZ Platform package) all you have to do is set up lines 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 25 and 33:

f. Restart Apache 2 server:

g. Install required dependencies using Composer:

When Composer asks you for the token you must log in to your GitHub account and edit your profile. Go to the Personal access tokens link and Generate new token with default settings. Be aware that the token will be shown only once, so do not refresh the page until you paste the token into Composer prompt. This operation is performed only once when you install eZ Platform for the first time.

h. Change directory permissions:

i. Install eZ Platform:

You will be able to see your page under http://ez1.lh (or the address you chose in preparation). Please note that a clean install of eZ Platform doesn’t include DemoBundle anymore.

10. Optional

a. Install PHP 5.6 with opcache extension:

b. Add proper date.timezone settings:

c. Uncomment and modify:

d. Disable errors showing:

e. Change default PHP parser used by Apache:

f. Find and comment the following line:

g. Add below:

e. Install intl extension for PHP 5.6:

f. Restart Apache:

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