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Countries list is a REST service that gives access to an ISO-3166 formatted list of world countries. It is useful when presenting a country options list from any application.

Get the list of countries

To send a GET request to the REST API Countries list, you have to provide the Content Type header application/vnd.ez.api.CountriesList+xml.

Countries list request

See the General REST usage documentation page for further information.

Usage example


Countries list request


The HTTP response will it be with a 200 OK Header.

Countries list response headers


And the body of the Response is XML formatted country list with names and codes according to the ISO-3166 standard. 


The country codes can be represented either as a two-letter code (alpha-2) which is recommended as the general purpose code, a three-letter code (alpha-3) which is more closely related to the country name and a three digit numeric code (numeric-3) which can be useful if you need to avoid using Latin script.

See the ISO-3166 glossary for more information.


Body XML Response



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