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We will begin by customizing the global layout of our site, in order to end up with this rendering:

First, go to the root of your eZ Platform site. You should see the root folder of the clean install, without any kind of layout. You can go to /ez, edit this Content item and see that this page changes. When / is requested, eZ Platform renders the root content using the ez_content:viewContent controller. We will customize this step by instructing Platform to use a custom template to render this particular item.

eZ Platform organizes content as a tree. Each Content item is referenced by a Location, and each Location as a parent. The root content Location has the ID 2 by default.

Content rendering configuration

To use a custom template when rendering the root content, let's create a content_view configuration block for ezpublish.

We will use the default namespace, but we could have used any siteaccess instead. Edit app/config/ezplatform.yml. At the end, add the following block, right after the language configuration (pay attention to indentation: default should be at the same level as site_group):


This tells Platform to use the template when rendering any content referenced by the Location with the id 2. There is a whole set of view matchers that can be used to customize rendering depending on any criterion.

Clear the cache

Each time you change the YAML files, you could clear the cache. It's not mandatory in dev environment.
To clear the cache:

Creating the template

  1. Save it in app/Resources/views as app/Resources/views/full/root_folder.html.twig.
  2. Refresh the site's root and you should see the site's structure, but without any styles or images. Let's fix this.
  3. Edit the root_folder.html.twig template.

Fixing the assets

The first thing to do is to fix the loading of stylesheets, scripts and design images.

  1. Then unpack its contents to the web directory of your project. You will end up with web/assets/, containing css, js and images subfolders.
  2. In the template, in the <html> section, replace the <link> tags linking to bootstrap and custom CSS lines  (lines 15 to 21) with the following code:

As explained in the Symfony assetic doc, this will iterate over the files in web/assets/css and load them as stylesheets.
Refresh the page and you should now see the static design of the site !

At the bottom of the template, you will find <script> tags that load jQuery and Bootstrap javascript (around line 360). Replace them with an equivalent block for scripts:


Let's finish this by fixing the design images. Locate the <img> tag with "images/128_bike_white_avenir.png". Change the src to {{ asset('assets/images/128_bike_white_avenir.png') }}:


Do the same for "images/logo_just_letters.png":

Clear the cache

Each time you change the templates, you could clear the cache. It's not mandatory in dev environment.
To clear the cache:


Refresh the page.
The design should now be in order, with the logo, fonts and colors as the first image of this page.

Rendering the content

At this point, the root_folder.html.twig template is static. It doesn't render any dynamic data from the repository.

The root is rendered by the ez_content:viewAction controller action. This action assigns the currently viewed content as the content Twig variable. We will use that variable to display some of the fields from the root content. Replace the central section of the template, around line 90, with the following block:


The page will now show the values of title and description fields of the root Platform Content.

The root Platform Content is displayed.

Extracting the layout

The general layout of the site, with the navigation, footer, scripts, etc., is written down in the template we use to render the root. Let's extract the part that is common to all the pages so that we can re-use it.

Twig supports a powerful template inheritance API. Templates may declare named blocks. Any template may extend other templates, and modify the blocks defined by its parents.

Create a new app/Resources/views/pagelayout.html.twig template and copy the contents of the current root_folder.html.twig into it.

Change the central section from the previous chapter as follows:


This defines a block named "content". Other templates can add content to it, so that the result of the execution of the controller is contained within the site's general layout.


Edit root_folder.html.twig and replace the whole content of the file with the following code:


This will re-use pagelayout.html.twig and replace the content block with the title and description from the root folder. This should not change the web page.

We could easily create more blocks in the pagelayout so that templates can modify other parts of the page (footer, head, navigation), and we will over the course of this tutorial. We can now create more templates that inherit from pagelayout.html.twig, and customize how content is rendered.

Let's do it for the Ride Content Type.





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