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Content Edit


eZ Platform comes with content edition features via the Symfony stack. They are meant, in addition the PlatformUI's editing capabilities, to allow the implementation of User Generated Content from the frontend.


Creating a content item without using a draft

As of eZ Platform 1.2, a new /content/edit/nodraft route is available. It will show a Content item creation form for a given Content Type:

contentTypeIdentifierstringThe identifier of the content type to create. Example: folder, article
languageCodestringLanguage code the content item must be created in. Example: eng-GB
parentLocationIdintegerID of the Location the content item must be created in. Example: 2

For now a very limited subset of Field Types is supported. These are:

  • V1.2 TextLine and TextBlock
  • V1.4 Selection, Checkbox and User

More will be added in the near future.

Registering new users


You can allow your users to create accounts by employing the /register route. This route leads to a registration form that, when filled in, creates a new User Content item in the repository.

User Groups

By default, new Users generated in this way are placed in the Guest accounts group. You can select a different default group in the following section of configuration:

Registration form templates

You can use custom templates for the registration form and for the registration confirmation page.

These templates are defined with the following configuration:

with the following templates in app/Resources/views/user/registration_form.html.twig:

and in app/Resources/views/user/registration_confirmation.html.twig:


Repository Forms

This package provides form-based interaction for the Repository Value objects.

It is currently used by:

  • ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle for most management interfaces: Sections, Content Types, Roles, Policies, etc.
  • ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel for user registration, and user generated content

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