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Landing Pages

eZ Enterprise's Studio UI lets you create block-based Landing Pages using drag-and-drop. This makes building them easy for editors even with no web design experience or HTML knowledge, using prebuilt elements such as headers, banners, image galleries, content lists, tags and more. At the same time, developers can customize Landing Pages by creating adaptable layouts and offering their own custom blocks to be placed in them.


Inline editing

You can quickly switch between working on and previewing Landing Pages, which makes for comfortable editing and better control of your content.



Content scheduling

Using a special Schedule Block you can set up content on your Landing Pages to be published according to a custom schedule, at predefined dates and times. A Timeline slider lets you preview what the pages will look like at any time.



Content creation workflow

Flex Workflow is a collaboration feature. You can send your content draft to any user and let them look through, modify it and send it onward through your review process.