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The first sub-release of eZ Studio 15.12 is available as of February 2nd.

For the release notes of the corresponding (and included) eZ Platform sub-release, see eZ Platform 15.12.1 Release Notes.


Changes since 15.12

Summary of changes

  • Enhanced Landing Page drag-and-drop interactions, including a better visualization of dropping blocks onto the page:

Dropping a block onto a Landing Page


  • Timeline toolbar now covers all changes in all Schedule Blocks on a given Landing Page.
  • Timeline toolbar is now also available in View mode on Landing Pages:

Landing Page in View mode with a Timeline


  • Added an Approval Timeline which lists all review requests for a given Content item:

Approval timeline screen

  • Modified template of the notification email sent to reviewers from Flex Workflow.
  • Minor UI improvements (including: updated icons, labels, date picker and others):



  • Added notification when copying a URL.
  • Numerous bug fixes.


Full list of improvements


Key Summary T
EZS-509 Get information about content workflow status and messages history from backend Feature
EZS-508 Schedule block: when removing content from the future the content is not moved to the history Bug
EZS-506 As a user, I want to see approval timeline in content editor mode Story
EZS-500 The timeline should display all future changes from all the schedule blocks at once Sub-task
EZS-499 Add the timeline to the Page view Sub-task
EZS-498 Show a dashed frame when dragging over valid target area Improvement
EZS-497 Change Schedule block's Delete label Improvement
EZS-496 Change Schedule block's Settings label Improvement
EZS-494 Datepicker add animation and CSS changes Improvement
EZS-493 When clicking on Copy URL user gets a notification that confirms the action done Improvement
EZS-487 Draggable interaction - show dashed frame in place of selected element Improvement
EZS-486 Refine dragging interaction with elements Improvement
EZS-485 Change cursor to show that an element is draggable Improvement
EZS-451 When switching from Page to Content I'm not redirected to a correct page in PlatformUI Bug
EZS-450 Replace Slot Icon and label Improvement
EZS-449 Change the page title Improvement
EZS-412 Update Flex Workflow email template Improvement
EZS-402 Dynamic Landing page, define width & height for resizable Page Description input box Improvement
EZS-392 Moving blocks on landing pages is tricky Bug
EZS-373 As a User, I want to be able to access the Scheduled Block toolbar at all times Improvement
EZS-326 As an editor I would like to see the now time indicator in the timeline when scheduling content inside a schedule block Story
EZS-185 As an editor I would like to see overflow block select field hidden when overflow is turned off Improvement


Full list of bugfixes





Upgrading a 15.12 Studio project

You can easily upgrade your existing Studio project in version 15.12 (1.0) using Composer.

Start from the project root. First, create a new branch from:

a) your master project branch, or 

b) the branch you are upgrading on:

From your master branch

In case of different localization of the sources, add ezsystems/ezstudio as an upstream remote:

From the upgrade-1.1.0 branch

Then pull the tag into your branch:

From the upgrade-1.1.0 branch

You will get conflicts, and it is perfectly normal. The most common ones will be on composer.json and composer.lock.

If you get a lot of conflicts (on the doc folder for instance), and eZ Platform was installed from the tarball, it might be because of incomplete history. You will have to run git fetch ezstudio --unshallow to load the full history, and run the merge again.

The latter can be ignored, as it will be regenerated when we execute composer update later. The easiest way is to checkout the version from the tag, and add it to the changes:

From the upgrade-1.1.0 branch

Merging composer.json

Manual merging

Conflicts in composer.json need to be fixed manually. If you're not familiar with the diff output, you may checkout the tag's version, and inspect the changes. It should be readable for most:

From the upgrade-1.1.0 branch

You should see what was changed, as compared to your own version, in the diff output. The 1.1.0 tag changes the requirements for all of the ezsystems/ packages. Those should be left untouched. All of the other changes should be removals of your project's additions. You can use git checkout -p to selectively cancel those changes:

Answer no (do not discard) to the requirement changes of ezsystems dependencies, and yes (discard) to removals of your changes.

Using composer require

You may also checkout your own composer.json, and run the following commands to update the ezsystems packages requirements from v1.0.x to v1.1.0:

Fixing other conflicts (if any)

Depending on the local changes you have done, you may get other conflicts: configuration files, kernel... 

There shouldn't be many, and you should be able to figure out which value is the right one for all of them:

  • Edit the file, and identify the conflicting changes. If a setting you have modified has also been changed by us, you should be able to figure out which value is the right one.
  • Run git add conflicting-file to add the changes

Updating composer.lock

At this point, you should have a composer.json file with the correct requirements. Run composer update to update the dependencies. 

In order to restrict the possibility of unforeseen updates of 3rd party packages, we recommend by default that composer update is restricted to the list of packages we have tested the update for. You may remove this restriction, but be aware that you might get a package combination we have not tested.

On PHP conflict

Because from this release onwards eZ Platform is compatible only with PHP 5.5 and higher, the update command above will fail if you use an older PHP version. Please update PHP to proceed.

Commit, test and merge

Once all the conflicts have been resolved, and composer.lock updated, the merge can be committed. Note that you may or may not keep composer.lock, depending on your version management workflow. If you do not wish to keep it, run git reset HEAD <file> to remove it from the changes. Run git commit, and adapt the message if necessary. You can now test the project, run integration tests... once the upgrade has been approved, go back to master, and merge the upgrade-1.1.0 branch: