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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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This page shows changes since 5.1.


Key Summary Component/s
EZP-18865 Separate DFS binary & cache tables and make it configurable Caching, Legacy/Clustering
EZP-20039 Automate install steps in composer post install/update CI System, Install
EZP-20071 HttpCache should Vary on the user hash Platform stack, Users and Access control
EZP-20461 Finishing the implementation using Signal/Slot by enabling all Service integration tests Search
EZP-20576 As a developer, I want to avoid writing my pagelayout twice by using my Twig template pagelayout for legacy actions Legacy/Template language
EZP-20831 Properly handle path to images variants in REST responses Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21019 Upgrade to Symfony 2.3 Platform stack
EZP-21133 POST /content/views has a wrong media-type Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21168 Remove API InMemory (Stub) implementation and test suite Test framework
EZP-21169 As a Tester I want BDD running on Travis Test framework
EZP-21176 Prevent REST hrefs without prefix in payloads Documentation, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21178 Create documentation on how to listen to API signals Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21180 Write documentation on context aware HTTP caching Caching, Platform stack
EZP-21192 Symfony 2.3 : Implement interactive management of the parameters.yml file Platform stack
EZP-21245 Make it easier to register eZXML custom tags in main XSL stylesheet Field types
EZP-21323 Add link to older packages in setup wizard Install
EZP-21461 As a user I want all country names to be translated in all languages Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-21526 As a DemoBundle user I want to use disqus for commenting DemoBundle
EZP-21531 As a user I need a way to pick correct Content name language DemoBundle, Platform stack
EZP-21532 As a DemoBundle user I want Blog and blog_post to be displayed using symfony stack DemoBundle, Platform stack
EZP-21654 DemoBundle: refactor top menu controller DemoBundle
EZP-21657 DemoBundle: refactor latestContent action DemoBundle
EZP-21676 As a developer, I want to access a field value in the current locale in a Twig template Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-21677 As a developer, I want to always have access to root location Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-21680 As a developer, I want to easily check if a Field is empty Legacy/Template language, Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21723 As a developer, I want to use PagerFanta to do my pagination DemoBundle, Platform stack
EZP-21743 As a DemoBundle user, I want the homepage to be displayed using full new stack DemoBundle
EZP-21816 As a DemoBundle user, I want articles to be rendered with Twig templates DemoBundle
EZP-21824 Update the 5.2 release notes Documentation
EZP-21844 Write a cache cleanup script for the split DFS feature Legacy/Clustering, Upgrading
EZP-21868 As a DemoBundle user, I want all frontpages to be implemented using Twig DemoBundle


Key Summary Component/s
EZP-15040 Support for more than 30 languages Language
EZP-19120 5.x expose isEmptyValue() in API for template needs Database related, Misc
EZP-20018 Missing Language, Visibility & ObjectState Criteria Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20069 Expose SignalSlot repository properly Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20223 Implement missing integration tests for Repository Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20261 eZ Recommendation - on-the-fly scenario loading Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-20438 Make it possible to use a custom controller to handle a content/location Caching, Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-20502 avoid Symfony exception when file is missing for ezimage attribute 5.x/Legacy IO, Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20638 ContentStaging does not synchronize related objects Legacy/Extensions, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Content Staging
EZP-20821 Make it possible to configure the front controller without editing it
EZP-20829 Make the REST APILoader\Factory dynamic Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20837 Improve unit test execution time by changing Repo test to use API/SetupFactory approach CI System, Test framework
EZP-20849 Move eZ Comments menu from top menu to left content menu Legacy/Administration Interface, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Comments
EZP-20922 Add event listener to kernel/content/download.php Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-20936 FieldType integration tests need to be updated with tests for updating Content on changing ContentType Field types, Test framework
EZP-20959 Add admin.ini LeftMenu Enabled setting Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-20978 Write unit tests for createContent() and updateContent() methods in the ContentService Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20979 Write integration tests for createContent() and updateContent() methods in the ContentService Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21018 Replace RMF Url management with Symfony's Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21035 User can not be properly created from inside storage Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21064 Add module_result in a LegacyResponse call Platform stack
EZP-21095 Allow retrieving users by login & email through the User Service Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21143 performance: do not run legacy pagelayout when using an eZ5 one
EZP-21240 unpublish cronjob calls activateextensions() while this is already done by runcronjobs.php
EZP-21292 Missing API Depth Criterion Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21293 404 errors within the REST prefix should be valid REST 404 Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21296 Logs don't need to be versionned GIT
EZP-21321 Extend ezpublish/console cache:clear Caching, Platform stack
EZP-21337 Return correct HTTP code for access denied page Misc
EZP-21350 Support pre_rendering event in content/view Misc
EZP-21385 Make redirection after publish configurable Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21495 (Persistence) cache does not support multi repository setup Caching, Platform stack
EZP-21501 Support object state group limitation in API Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21510 'Clear View cache from here' action ignores CacheThreshold setting, performance issues/db deadlocks Caching, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21525 Allow multisite with different rootLocationId DemoBundle
EZP-21640 Implement FieldRelation search criterion Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Search
EZP-21701 ez_render_field should be able to use current template as parameter Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-21719 Implement LocationDepth search criterion Platform/API interfaces, Search
EZP-21733 Improve exceptions thrown in RoleService Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21793 Add $matchAlwaysAvailable parameter to LanguageCriterion Platform/API interfaces, Search
EZP-21865 Add showInfo parameter for ezgmaplocation field type base template Design (templates, CSS, etc.)
EZP-21881 Update info banner on Documentation
EZP-22146 roles applied to many users cause fatal errors Permissions, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine


Key Summary Component/s
EZP-18195 $result.object is not correctly created Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-19122 Faulty embed-inline handling Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-19392 clear cache doesn't remove translation list cache Caching
EZP-19904 Admin interface redirection to raw treemenu JSON output Legacy/Administration Interface, Legacy/Extensions/eZ JSCore
EZP-19979 Class on ezxml tags are (almost) not handled Field types
EZP-20262 Classes override issue caused by includes Legacy/Workflows
EZP-20311 query parameters get lost when being redirected after login Platform/API interfaces
EZP-20451 block_view_gui for a manual fetched block don't use override templates Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-20482 In IE8, "Enter" key does not work when creating a custom tag Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-20558 Workflow Event/Approve not working correctly Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-20575 Setup wizard fails to generate yml config when using kickstart.ini Documentation, Install
EZP-20588 Initial export contains only one categorypath Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-20642 Legacy_mode:true ignored inside a siteaccess configuration group Misc
EZP-20657 EmbedToHtml5 Converter doesn't define alignment parameters Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-20676 eZ OE: JS error inserting embed-inline tag on empty XML block Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-20752 EzscriptMonitor - Monitor page is not updated Legacy/Extensions
EZP-20766 Wrong default value for CLUSTER_HEADER_X_POWERED_BY in index_cluster.php Legacy/Clustering
EZP-20769 REST v2: Reading object containing ezimage datatype returns hardcoded ( and wrong ) results Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20802 auto-login after account activation does not increase the login count Misc
EZP-20822 API services phpdoc and input validation problems Platform/API interfaces
EZP-20874 ezsys() operator bad behavior with the "querystring" parameter Legacy/Template language
EZP-20877 Improve unit test code coverage of eZ\Publish\Core\SignalSlot Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Test framework
EZP-20880 HttpCache purge is not being triggered when permissions change Platform/API interfaces
EZP-20890 Headers overriden by LegacyKernelController
EZP-20895 Small Typo in eZContentOperationCollection::updatePriority phpdoc Documentation
EZP-20943 Regression caused by " Remove extraneous op_code handling in storing content relations" Design (templates, CSS, etc.), Legacy/Template language, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-20948 Missing support for binary files URI Platform/API interfaces
EZP-20950 Legacy Storage ContentType ContentUpdater updates only current version Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-20952 Creating content causes a memory leak using ezfind Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20955 API: Issues with create permission with Section limitation Permissions, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-20957 Misplaced semicolon causes flow to break Legacy/Clustering
EZP-20968 Broken navigation for REST documentation on GitHub Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20969 REST v2 "Update location" request is not working as intended Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20982 UrlAlias matcher not working correctly GIT, Platform stack
EZP-20985 excluded_uri_prefixes throwing 503 Platform stack
EZP-20987 Notice preventing the completion of creating a FieldType draft with null fieldSettings Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20988 stale links using non-translatable attribute Cronjobs, Database related
EZP-20992 Wrong scope in contentViewGenerateError when using DFS and user-permissions Caching, Legacy/Clustering, Permissions
EZP-20993 Document scenario list in ezrecommendation.ini Documentation, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-20995 content/edit_draft.tpl cannot be overridden by section Design (templates, CSS, etc.), Legacy/Template language
EZP-21004 Error synchronizing content if language is not listed in target server's siteaccess Legacy/Extensions/eZ Content Staging
EZP-21005 When changing siteaccess, the autosave's preview is not updated Legacy/Extensions
EZP-21006 Setup wizard trows PHP warnings & eZ errors on Mysql 5.6 Database related
EZP-21009 Cannot redeclare class eZObjectForwarder in ezflow
EZP-21032 Rest spec missing info about is_logged_in cookie when explaining session based auth Documentation, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21046 DFS cluster: view cache is not expiring in one node Legacy/Clustering
EZP-21048 Anchor link attribute is not transformed by xsl Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21050 Treemenu broken after EZPESU-2013-011 on IE7-8 Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21054 Anchor tag is not transformed by xsl Design (templates, CSS, etc.), Field types
EZP-21055 creating content using API causes memory leaks Caching, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-21057 contentService: Unable to delete a content with an empty file attribute Field types, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21058 eZFind: don't fork in updatesearchindex script when using a single process Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21060 eZ Recommandation : Scenarios try to be loaded from ini files. Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-21063 eZ Recommandation : Initial export script failed if pcntl extension is not install Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-21076 recommendation: can not get twice recommendations for same node in same page (using different scenarios) Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-21077 multiple recommendation tags do not work together in one template Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-21078 output type for recommendations is not defineable Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-21088 Publishing content with API doesn't trigger indexing correctly Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21089 Creating an article with public api throw warning on xmltext in regards to relations Field types, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21094 Successful POST /user/sessions doesn't have a Location header Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21131 Regression - %secret% key should be generated at install/update Platform stack
EZP-21138 Deleted nodes remain in an eZ Flow block Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-21155 DebugByUser is not working correctly in preview Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21156 Class modification with a lot of cache to expire Caching, Database related
EZP-21187 Regressions on DemoBundle appearing with strict_variables=true DemoBundle, Legacy/Template language
EZP-21188 "Notice: Undefined variable: response" triggered when viewing a content with ezobjectrelationlist Platform stack
EZP-21190 installer fails at package validation using PHP 5.5
EZP-21219 versionread policy not checked in ContentService::loadContent Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Users and Access control
EZP-21220 Parsing error in REST with "Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" Legacy/REST interface
EZP-21222 ezRecommendation exports fail when xml blocks include some special characters Legacy/Extensions/eZ Recommendation
EZP-21226 ezchecktranslation.php is not handling translatorcomment & location nodes Cronjobs
EZP-21227 [Rest API] Copy content type will create copy identifier wrongly Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21233 eZDBFileHandler (mysqli only) removed after eZP 5.0 Documentation
EZP-21235 API: user cannot have permissions to edit just himself, the limitation owner(self) is broken Documentation, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21237 Debug by user feature blocks the login process
EZP-21264 The JS REST client does not support parallel requests Platform/REST Client:JS
EZP-21274 Update YUI & jQuery in ezsjcore Legacy/Extensions/eZ JSCore
EZP-21280 tree_root setting ignored in link output from XMLText rendering Platform stack
EZP-21281 Warning: Could not generate user hash ! Fallback to anonymous hash Platform stack
EZP-21284 No url/href support in API XmlText input Platform stack
EZP-21289 object_remote_id not handled in XmlText Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21299 REST Exceptions with code / previous arguments generate a 500 error Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21302 Circular reference detected for service "ezpublish.urlalias_generator" Platform stack
EZP-21304 REST api incorrectly parses requests with uri siteaccess Legacy/REST interface
EZP-21305 Object name pattern doesn't support object relation datatype as first condition in a fallback Field types
EZP-21325 View parameters parsing transforms multiple slashes into one slash Design (templates, CSS, etc.)
EZP-21330 Documentation improvement: [HTTPHeaderSettings] Documentation
EZP-21334 Wrong XSLT rendering for some ezxml elements Field types, Platform stack
EZP-21336 eZOE: Using IE8, every publish adds another empty paragraph at the end. Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21343 ContentStructureMenu cookie causes http request problems and breaks RFC 2965 Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21348 eZOE: table width not saved in IE8 Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21349 Impossible to register one slot for multiple signals Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21351 Core compiler passes don't allow one service to use same tag with varying attributes Platform stack
EZP-21354 Siteaccess part missing in generated symfony routes
EZP-21358 ezjscAjaxContent : Image's exif fields MakerNote and UserComment must be base64 encoded Legacy/Extensions/eZ JSCore, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21365 eZ Password Expiry support for users with main location outside "Users" Legacy/Extensions/eZ MB Password Expiry
EZP-21379 Output filters (CSRF) result is lost when a custom layout is set for rendering legacy module views Legacy/Extensions/eZ Form Token
EZP-21388 Object relation fails to be selected with eZ Find search 5.x/Legacy IO, Legacy/Administration Interface, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21396 Exif Warning in php 5.3.3 Rhel
EZP-21400 Discard draft, removes image file Legacy/Extensions/eZ Oracle Database
EZP-21408 Use eZ Components from composer in standalone install 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-21410 object name limit does not support multibyte charset Language
EZP-21413 Documentation Update: ContentViewProvider to be split for Content/Location Documentation
EZP-21420 PHPUnit tests fail when using Zeta Components from composer and testing eZ Publish legacy with an additional extension 5.x/Legacy IO, Legacy/Extensions
EZP-21430 [Admin Interface] Regression on preview (fatal error) Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21433 embed-inline tags in xmltext fields are not rendered properly by core XSL Design (templates, CSS, etc.), Platform stack, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21438 Improve relation permission handling to use view_embed Permissions
EZP-21443 Debug log displayed when using long japaneese strings in name
EZP-21446 Limit for object name trim adds +1
EZP-21465 Cleanup extra lines in the ezurl_object_link table
EZP-21467 PHP Notice in ezurlaliasquery.php
EZP-21469 [API] language mask on ezcontentobject incorreclty set Language
EZP-21471 versionview: (JS) issues with class popup menu if object is not yet published Design (templates, CSS, etc.)
EZP-21479 error.log entries when loading DB schema from extensions Install, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-21482 Composer lock ICU version higher than the one on RH Install, Platform stack
EZP-21483 [Wizard Setup] Install fails at the deploy with error on unserializeContentClassAttribute Install
EZP-21498 Check file consistency warns about ~ files Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21511 Don't break prioritized languages when fetching eZURLAliasML->getPath in different locale Language
EZP-21522 Unable to publish an image content with the REST API Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Field types, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21537 [Demo Interface] My profile email appears with SPAMFILTER text DemoBundle
EZP-21547 HttpError for "Access denied" (1) is cached, returns "200 OK" instead Misc
EZP-21548 Clear role assignments cache when dealing with locations Caching, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21550 Changing owner, clearing cache needed for Owner(Self) to work Caching, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21558 DFS/MySQLi ezie error in copy with split DFS tables Legacy/Extensions/eZ Image Editor
EZP-21561 eZ Publish 5.2alpha1 LS has a tones of JavaScript errors in admin interface Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-21567 Blank e-mail subject line with multi-byte characters (iconv_mime_encode: Unknown error) Language, Notifications
EZP-21568 Typo in REST\Server\Controller\Role Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21575 Missing Legacy signal slot cache clearing on UpdateMetaData while updating user Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21578 Matching siteaccess on http header does not work Platform stack, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21581 content_view_provider.configured service uses wrong matcher factory Platform stack
EZP-21589 Boolean values are serialized as string in JSON responses of the REST API Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21591 Querystring lost in redirections Misc
EZP-21599 Fix regression from EZP-19660 at a higher level Legacy/Workflows
EZP-21611 unpublish cronjob uses anonymous credentials Cronjobs
EZP-21612 handleViewException response not returned in ViewController Platform stack
EZP-21613 Compound\LogicalAnd serialization fails Platform stack
EZP-21621 ContentView::setTemplateIdentifier throws InvalidArgumentTypeException even with the right type Platform stack
EZP-21628 Symfony routes overriding URLAliases in admin Platform stack
EZP-21631 RoutableFragmentRenderer::generateFragmentUri() not compatible with Symfony 2.3.5 Platform stack
EZP-21636 Hinclude sub-requests are broken since EZP-21631 fix Platform stack
EZP-21648 When publishing Content with Location some Location create struct properties are not respected Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21656 PSpell plugin fails with eZFormToken Legacy/Extensions/eZ Form Token, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21668 content.tree_root.location_id default value should not be null Platform stack
EZP-21684 Bug when creating forward url alias Platform stack
EZP-21685 [EZ Content Staging] Selection attribute fail in ContentStaging with value Zero Legacy/Extensions/eZ Content Staging
EZP-21689 eZDemo navigation broken in a non virtualhost enviorment DemoBundle
EZP-21695 Cached ESI can not be shared among pages Caching, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21696 addLimitation() new SubtreeLimitation fails with InvalidArgumentException Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21700 Search API returning duplicate content ids Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21703 RoleService does not validate Limitations in assignRoleToUser() and assignRoleToUserGroup() methods Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21705 Wrong links generated when using Map\Host siteaccess matching Platform stack
EZP-21721 Displaying an empty XMLText field outputs eZXML Field types, Platform stack
EZP-21722 Error with the ez_render_field if a custom tag xsl stylesheet is not properly loaded Field types, Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-21737 Wrong scope in contentViewGenerateError when using DFS and user-permissions Caching, Legacy/Clustering, Permissions
EZP-21740 Fix 5.2 upgrade doc Documentation, Upgrading
EZP-21741 Persistence cache not cleared on transaction rollback Caching, Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-21749 Fatal error when editing content with ezimage Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Database related
EZP-21758 Custom variables are not correctly exposed in legacy templates when doing a sub-request Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-21776 Simple FieldValue Criterion handler does not escape value when used with CONTAINS operator Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Search
EZP-21780 Map\URI siteaccess matcher is greedy Platform stack
EZP-21786 Using Page fieldtype, valid block items should be passed to the block templates Field types, Platform stack
EZP-21804 Duplicate key in ezcontentobject_attribute when creating new draft with untranslatable field Platform stack, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21817 When updating Content untranslatable field is copied instead of updated Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21818 Translation ESL starts with newline Language
EZP-21832 New demo content needs permissions update for video content type used on landing page DemoBundle
EZP-21845 Trashed locations still in persistence cache & accessible in API Caching, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-21854 Default ezgmaplocation_field template defines a wrong height Field types
EZP-21856 Unable to run php composer.phar install Platform stack
EZP-21870 Fatal error when deleting location with limited content/remove permissions Permissions, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21873 Unable to use ez_render_field with ezgmaplocation_field Platform stack
EZP-21874 ParentContentType Limitation does not work correctly with draft Content Permissions
EZP-21876 Compound matcher throws fatal error after patch from EZP-21834 Platform stack
EZP-21901 DemoBundle: Convert all zone templates from legacy code to Twig DemoBundle
EZP-21902 As a BDD test writer I want behat running on updated demo content Test framework
EZP-21904 Fatal error after deleting the location of a single location object Platform/API interfaces
EZP-21913 Hotfix usage of global in cli scripts
EZP-21914 New stack DB link must be reset in asynchronous publishing daemon Platform stack
EZP-21917 ezxml link class attribute not rendering because of wrong xsl Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-21952 user anonymous cannot be redefined Platform stack
EZP-22041 Documentation: Update eZP 5.1 to 5.2 should be improved in config.yml example Documentation, Upgrading
EZP-22056 Doc: ContentStaging FAQ: object_id and node_id / Source vs Target Legacy/Extensions/eZ Content Staging
EZP-22180 SPI: loading (reverse) relations does not check for published Content Caching, Legacy/Administration Interface, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-22195 Memcache configuration issue Platform stack
EZP-22430 Custom Location URL Alias not using redirect / 301
EZP-22456 Roles and Policies assigned to parent user group not inherited Permissions, Users and Access control
EZP-22471 When loading resource in non-published version mainLocationId in ContentInfo is always null Platform stack
EZP-22505 Basic auth does not work when extending REST API with eZ Publish 5.2 Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22516 import broken image using PAPI leavs inconsistent data in the db Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22749 warning when storing expiry cache on shutdown
EZP-23037 Subtree criterion in content search does not scale (MySQL timeouts) Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-23337 New stack does not generate 301 redirects for wrongly cased URLs Platform stack
EZP-23364 EZP-23337 breaks tree_root
EZP-23523 Remove an embed image will cause fatal error when displaying content Platform stack

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