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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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January 5th 2015

eZ announces the availability of 5.3.4, a maintenance release available for all users of eZ Publish Platform 5.3 containing a notable few updates and fixes.

Newer release available

A newer release is available, rendering update instructions here obsolete and non working. Please see 5.3.x Update Instructions for always uptodate instructions for 5.3 releases.


Updating from a previous version of eZ Publish Platform 5.3

Update to 5.3.3 first before you continue with instructions below.

These instructions take advantage of the new Composer powered update systems in 5.3 for maintenance updates, so make sure you familiarize yourself with the Using Composer page.
For Upgrading from versions prior to 5.3 look at our Upgrading from 5.1 to 5.3 or Upgrading from 5.2 to 5.3 page.

1. Patch your composer.json file

For issue  EZP-23492 - Improve use of assetic dump with composer Closed  composer.json should be edited in similar manner as below to take full advantage of the change.

/composer.json diff

2. Updating Composer Packages selectively

With this command you'll only update packages from eZ (and Symfony) that have received updates since 5.3.0:

Note: Add "ezsystems/ezfind-ls" to the parameters to get latest version if you also use this extension.

3. [Optionally; for RHEL/CentOS] Update your cluster setup

Note: We are committed to continue supporting php-memcache for use with RHEL/CentOS 6.x on eZ Publish 5.3.x for some more sub releases, but highly recommend you start to plan migration to php-memcached as it solves several issues identified with php-memcache; no locking for sessions, limited support for persistence (Stash) cache settings & limited support for memcached capabilities compared to php-memcached which is built on top of libmemcached.

As part of  EZP-22523 - Support locking with Memcached SessionHandler Closed  the recommendation for how to setup memcached for session use has been changed, this affects RHEL/CentOS installations which previously where documented to use php-memcache (default on RHEL/CentOS) instead of php-memcached. We now recommend using either php-memcached or PDO if you need database persistence, see the updated Clustering page as well as the updated Session page for more info.

For how to migrate to php-memcached:

RHEL/CentOS 6.x php-memcache -> php-memcached

Package updates

Here are the packages that have received an update as part of this releases:

packageversionprior version

Other packages that have received update since 5.3.0:



Updates and fixes in this release

Key Summary Component/s
EZP-22523 Support locking with Memcached SessionHandler Documentation, Platform stack
EZP-22988 More dev friendly info on UnauthorizedException Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-23351 Honor relative flag on legacy:assets_install for legacy wrappers Legacy/Clustering
EZP-23459 eZContentObjectTreeNodeOperations::move missing features Caching
EZP-23462 Cache Object state Persistence class with Stash Caching
EZP-23492 Improve use of assetic dump with composer Composer
EZP-23727 Compress packages on for faster downloads Composer/
EZP-21781 ezfSolrDocumentFieldBaseTest::testGetFieldName() throws an error because of updated table structure Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Test framework
EZP-21797 Multisite settings cause recursive sudo when using legacy slot in sudo operation Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-22408 Deleting a content does not remove references to this content in relation(list) fields Platform stack, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22982 /content/treemenu throws PHP notices with nginx Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-23003 User is logged out after first (multi)upload with ezfind Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Legacy/Extensions/eZ MultiUpload
EZP-23027 Session files not being removed/cleaned up Documentation, Platform stack
EZP-23287 empty Image FieldType triggers twig_error_runtime Platform stack
EZP-23349 Property "id" on Image\Value is filled with wrong value Field types
EZP-23389 ezcMailComposer bug when sending e-mails with long name and Norwegian characters Misc
EZP-23412 Setting the section seems to avoid the delayed indexing procedure Legacy/Administration Interface, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-23424 Public API loadContentByRemoteId returns wrong content due to stale cache Caching, Legacy/Administration Interface, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-23425 Pasting at the end of paragraph in Chrome put the text at the beginning Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-23447 ServiceNotFoundException: ezpublish.fieldtype.ezbinaryfile.ioservice after update. Documentation, Field types, Platform stack
EZP-23463 bin/scripts/rhel/solr restart & stop does not work Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-23474 LegacyEmbedScriptCommand doesn't activate the LegacyBundles
EZP-23478 ezinfo/about redirected after each form post Misc
EZP-23480 Error in json response when uploading file Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-23483 Language Switcher does not work properly when using PathPrefix in pure legacy
EZP-23486 Preview always falls back to Legacy Platform stack
EZP-23491 eZCache: clear-tag won't work with multiple tags Caching, Documentation
EZP-23497 Workflow Event / Multiplexer: can not remove user groups from "Users without workflow IDs" Legacy/Workflows
EZP-23499 Fatal error if you try to remove class with a nonexistent datatype Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-23505 Router generates wrong URL without vhost
EZP-23511 EZ Si Vhost issues on Apache 2.4 Documentation, Legacy/Extensions
EZP-23516 Language switcher and legacy module Language
EZP-23517 Excluded uri prefixes result in redirect loop Platform stack
EZP-23527 ezdatetime with no default value causes class edit to fail 5.x/Legacy IO, Field types
EZP-23528 eZContentObjectTreeNode::createAttributeFilterSQLStrings() returns invalid 'in'/'not in' SQL statements Database related
EZP-23529 Storing a draft with a bad object relation link should not create an entry in ezcontentobject_link Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-23532 Languages lost from content when using packages Legacy/Packages
EZP-23552 Symfony cache won't be cleaned if Legacy ViewCaching is disabled Caching, Platform stack
EZP-23553 Checking for existence of legacy templates does not work Legacy/Template language, Platform stack
EZP-23578 Fatal error in LocationService copy/move when content/read has limitations Permissions, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-23579 As a Sysadmin I want to have official Apache configuration bundled with the code Documentation
EZP-23594 It's not possible to use custom controllers for embed (inline) views in XmlText field type Platform stack
EZP-23595 PDOException in UserService createUser(): Integrity constraint violation Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-23599 Legacy search location gateway is not correctly quoting depth column Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-23603 eZ Find: "Hidden by superior" nodes not indexed when parent is hidden/unhidden in frontend Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-23604 Error installing package Legacy/Administration Interface, Legacy/Packages
EZP-23606 View parameter named "node" overrides $node variable in legacy template
EZP-23607 content versionview displays wrong published version in object information Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-23620 Segmentation fault error when copying subtree 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-23643 Search with permissions off results in UnauthorizedException Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-23651 EZ Si missing /var/[^]+/cache/public Legacy/Extensions
EZP-23672 content versionview displays wrong modifier name in object information Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-23676 Configuration Converter generates invalid URI matching configuration Install
EZP-23681 eZ Find: moving a node does not re-index its children with delayed indexing Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-23683 Symfony starts always a session on legacy_mode 5.x/Legacy IO, Platform stack
EZP-23687 Notice when running "$phpbin runcronjobs.php monitor" Cronjobs, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Network
EZP-23703 Impossible to update only the name of a section Platform stack, Platform UI (Admin UI & Content UI)