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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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This page shows changes since 5.2.


Key Summary Component/s
EZP-20172 Make REST HTTP cache aware with Location ID expiry Platform stack, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20800 Configure Legacy Storage engine in Symfony service container Field types, Platform stack, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Search
EZP-21118 Implement HTTP CORS support Platform/REST API v2, Platform/REST Client:JS
EZP-21191 Implement new internal format to cover ezxml capabilities Field types
EZP-21315 Implement embed tag Field types
EZP-21374 Start to remove use of search service in Business Layer (Repo) for Solr support Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces, Search
EZP-21387 As a developer I want a relation view so I can embed relations on my 5.x site Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21427 Create a FieldType tutorial for doc Documentation, Field types, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-21528 As a DemoBundle user I want access to 5.x based login/logout functionality DemoBundle, Users and Access control
EZP-21562 Create separate synchronized repositories for API and SPI GIT, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/REST Client:PHP, Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-21678 Make unimplemented REST features return a 501 Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21961 Improve unit tests code coverage in FieldTypes Field types, Test framework
EZP-21962 Improve ezfind to use Solr 4.x and enable use of Solr Cloud Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Search
EZP-22010 Clarify known issues with user-hash cache with multi-site on same domain Caching, Platform stack, Users and Access control
EZP-22045 As a developer, I want user login to be fully handled by Symfony stack Users and Access control
EZP-22049 As a developer, I want to be able to configure IndexPage
EZP-22051 As a editor, I want content preview to work with new stack Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-22061 Refactor REST event listeners Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22066 Use lazy services whenever possible Platform stack
EZP-22081 As a developer, I want to be able to seamlessly use multiple user providers Users and Access control
EZP-22089 As a Solr Developer I want API Search Field hinting Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces, Search
EZP-22099 As a developer, I want my legacy sso handlers to continue to work with new authentication system Users and Access control
EZP-22103 As a Developer I want to be able to search & sort by Map Location in API Legacy/Extensions/eZ Google Maps Location, Platform/API interfaces, Search
EZP-22109 As a Editor I want to have a Place content type and a Placelist content type DemoBundle, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22110 As an end user I want to see a list of places that can be "geosorted" DemoBundle, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22111 As an end user I want to see on a Gmap a list of places DemoBundle, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22139 Require an official nelmio/cors-bundle branche Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22141 Make root locations depend on siteaccess configuration in REST Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22143 Fix dead code and type hinting issues reported by SensioLabs Insight Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22145 Write documentation on login with Symfony stack Documentation, Users and Access control
EZP-22151 Refactor Legacy SE to use Doctrine DBAL Database related, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-22152 As a Developer I would like to see used templates in Web Debug Toolbar Legacy/Template language
EZP-22179 As a DemoBundle user I want to be able to use the new stack SSO DemoBundle
EZP-22193 As a user I want to acces the eZ Webin toolbar in legacy mode on a Twig site in fallback mode Legacy/Extensions/eZ Website Toolbar
EZP-22210 As a developer I want to ship and run legacy extensions in Symfony Bundles Documentation, Legacy/Extensions, Upgrading
EZP-22217 As a UI Developer I need access to a country list Field types, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22260 As legacy User I want node assignment remote id to be kept on publish Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-22264 Enhanced Comment bundle with Admin views DemoBundle
EZP-22298 As an end user I want to display a place content DemoBundle, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22301 As a user trying the demo bundle, I want to see eZ Comment activated with a generic account to better understand how it works DemoBundle
EZP-22337 Hidden state on Locations is not taken into account in ViewController Platform stack, Users and Access control
EZP-22351 Please get rid of is_logged_in cookie
EZP-22438 Prototype a simplified search API Platform/API interfaces
EZP-22464 Implement language switcher in Symfony stack Language, Platform stack
EZP-22568 As a Sysadmin I want to have official configuration files for nginx Documentation, Install
EZP-22583 Make sense out of REST output indenting Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22645 LocationSearch needs to take permission limitations into account Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Search


Key Summary Component/s
EZP-6959 Support Dates before 1.1.1970 Misc
EZP-16144 ezpgenerateautoloads script does not have a 'quiet' option Misc
EZP-19695 Enabling non automatic conversion of siteaccess names Misc
EZP-20305 Be able to link from one SiteAccess to another
EZP-20433 Documentation improvement: clusterpurge.php
EZP-20502 avoid Symfony exception when file is missing for ezimage attribute 5.x/Legacy IO, Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-20741 Add support for default content disposition global override Field types
EZP-20809 ezuser: allow user to log in even when userinfocache is corrupted Caching, Users and Access control
EZP-20816 eZContentClass: improve performance of content class update when a large number of contentobjects/attributes exists Misc
EZP-21044 Rest Server should provide OPTIONS method Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21154 Cleanup script for policies CI System, Database related, Documentation
EZP-21294 Implement UrlAlias search criterion Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Search
EZP-21493 content fetch keyword filtered by subtree 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-21640 Implement FieldRelation search criterion Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Search
EZP-21645 Redirecting to another siteaccess Misc
EZP-21713 Add possibility to override settings in Legacy Unit Tests Legacy/Extensions, Test framework
EZP-21744 Documentation: twig templates cannot be previewed in back end DemoBundle, Design (templates, CSS, etc.), Documentation
EZP-21774 Define missing methods in eZClusterFileHandlerInterface 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-21775 Make eZFSFileHandler implement eZClusterFileHandlerInterface Legacy/Clustering
EZP-21846 As a DemoBundle user I want the contact form to be displayed using symfony stack DemoBundle
EZP-21872 Check system user when executing CLI scripts Permissions
EZP-21889 Implement ContentTypeIdentifier Criterion visitor for Solr storage Search
EZP-21924 [SensioLabsInsight] Refactor LegacyKernelController to be less than 20 lines Platform stack
EZP-21928 [SensioLabsInsight] Unused use statement should be avoided Platform stack, Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21964 Improve test coverage of URLAliasService Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Test framework
EZP-21966 changes saved as draft, to user email, are stored as published 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-22006 Add a configurable cookie whitelist to user hash generation Caching, Platform stack, Users and Access control
EZP-22065 Make SiteAccess a synchronized service Platform stack
EZP-22105 Implement Location search in API Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22121 eZ Find : add support for commitWithin on delete operations Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22128 Move license and copyright info to LICENSE file GIT
EZP-22146 roles applied to many users cause fatal errors Permissions, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-22163 As a REST User I need to re authenticate existing session on login Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22220 Session creation in REST API doesn't use Symfony SecurityContext Platform/REST API v2, Users and Access control
EZP-22270 Add the possibility to hide the preview link in the controlbar Documentation, Legacy/Extensions
EZP-22279 Integrate storage engine configuration with DoctrineBundle connections Database related, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22315 Use ez_is_field_empty to do the checks in content_fields.html.twig Platform stack
EZP-22318 Make Symfony session options siteaccess aware Platform stack, Users and Access control
EZP-22341 As a DemoBundle user, I want to display blog_posts in a specific language DemoBundle
EZP-22370 Refactored the LegacyResponseManager class
EZP-22386 Support textarea custom attributes in the Online Editor Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22415 Upgrade dependency to stash bundle to 0.3
EZP-22431 Possibility to control draggable option on ezgmaplocation field Field types
EZP-22479 SiteAccessLimitation support for use in new login system Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Users and Access control
EZP-22582 Make ezfind submeta attributes multivalued Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22590 Make debugging easier by skipping caches in dev Platform stack
EZP-22592 Add check for intl and xsl extension in setupwizard Install
EZP-22597 Use composition on extended FragmentRenderers Platform stack
EZP-22602 Places: content tree default setup DemoBundle
EZP-22608 A little bit of love for the Place view DemoBundle
EZP-22610 DemoBundle: Add canonical link in head DemoBundle, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22617 Implement ezisbn field type Field types
EZP-22623 Fix debug output HTML validation when using HTML5 doctype
EZP-22651 Remove the mandatory form in the setup wizard
EZP-22662 Implement core Public API configuration using Symfony container component Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Test framework
EZP-22744 Update default zoom factor in Gmap location DemoBundle
EZP-22747 Store file based sessions outside cache folder by default Caching, Users and Access control
EZP-22754 Make productDatatypeList configurable 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-22795 Move Persistence Transaction handling to own handler Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Platform/SPI interfaces
EZP-22799 Configure Solr Storage engine in Symfony service container Platform stack, Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Search
EZP-22803 URLAlias: add configuration parameters to reverse lookup methods Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22811 Prepare Symfony container configuration for multiple storage engines Platform stack
EZP-22880 eZ XML fields should output <strong> and <em> instead of <b> and <i> Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Field types, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22896 Setup wizard: Timeout on package retrieval Install


Key Summary Component/s
EZP-2881 AcceptPathInfo Test Bug Misc
EZP-16372 deleting of content lasts very long Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-19077 fatal error in ezjscore when encoding an object without a node Legacy/Extensions/eZ JSCore
EZP-19561 There is always a db connection although not needed Caching
EZP-20570 ezcsvimport uses the storage-dir as filename if an ezimage is empty
EZP-20682 eZRest v2 : Doc inconsintency regarding update user Documentation, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20813 eZDFS cleanup: Allow detection of NFS and DB availability to prevent accidental removal of files. Legacy/Clustering
EZP-20898 wrong ezurl behaviour in a legacy template loaded through new stack with ESI Platform stack
EZP-20923 Fatal errors on Windows stash fails with mkdir(): Invalid path Caching, Documentation
EZP-20925 Restserver returns 500 or symfony error instead of 400 on bad input Platform/REST API v2
EZP-20930 Missing root resources for url discovery Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21124 Checkbox custom attributes on custom tags are not stored Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21207 Render input parsing errors to a 400 Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21301 REST 404 catch-all prevent from extending the REST API
EZP-21312 REST v2 lacks many paths necessary for self-description Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21332 under some circumstances, ezfind generates a php warning when trying to log a warning message
EZP-21344 [REST Spec] Wrong xml tag on the response of create view Documentation, Legacy/REST interface
EZP-21405 Documentation: search Query/Criterion documentation should not refer to 'master' branch Documentation
EZP-21438 Improve relation permission handling to use view_embed Permissions
EZP-21444 SQL query error in fetch('content', 'keyword') with some 'sort_by' parameters Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-21554 Double slash in some REST API URI Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21563 workflows: adding approval to media tree causes fatal error Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor, Legacy/Workflows
EZP-21681 Implement GET /content/types without identifier or remoteId arguments Platform/REST API v2
EZP-21726 eZ Demo frontpage has copyright 2012 in the footer DemoBundle
EZP-21728 Extension tests are added to extension autoload array instead of tests autoload array Legacy/Extensions, Test framework
EZP-21751 kernel::runcallback() does not always return to correct directory 5.x/Legacy IO, Platform stack
EZP-21762 Missing break in ezfSearchResultInfo::attribute() Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21765 PHPUnit tests throw errors because derived methods don't match parent Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21766 Missing break in ezfeZPSolrQueryBuilder causes unneeded Warnings Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21767 assertType() is not supported in PHPUnit anymore Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21768 eZCollaborationItemGroupLink: Variable comparison instead of assignment
EZP-21770 Session lazystart : unneeded/unwanted cookie creation
EZP-21802 eZImageManagerTest not performed because of wrong control structure Test framework
EZP-21807 link is duplicated on table row insertion Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21817 When updating Content untranslatable field is copied instead of updated Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21820 eZUser::getUserCacheByUserId() may return an eZClusterFileFailure instead of an array 5.x/Legacy IO
EZP-21823 [Composer] Behat version 2.5.* won't have a needed fix till release of next version Install, Platform stack, Test framework
EZP-21829 ezpINIHelper triggers notice when trying to override an unknown variable Test framework
EZP-21861 node's path_identification_string should not have a leading / Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-21878 "Layout" attributes are lost when importing classes via package mechanism. Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-21897 As a developer I want all integration tests to pass with Solr Platform/SPI interfaces, Search
EZP-21906 Search API returns wrong number of total objects with content having multiple locations Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21916 http cache purger does not take user/password into account (basic auth)
EZP-21920 loadRelations raises an exception when user cannot read Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21933 [SensioLabsInsight] Unused method, property, variable or parameter
EZP-21934 [SensioLabsInsight] Boolean property should not be prefixed by "is" Platform stack
EZP-21937 Documentation Update: eZFind Index Cronjob is deprecated Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-21949 Increase code coverage in CoreBundle DIC extension Platform stack, Test framework
EZP-21952 user anonymous cannot be redefined Platform stack
EZP-21955 Access to restricted content results in error 500 Platform stack
EZP-21958 Increase code coverage for EzPublishCoreBundle config parsers Platform stack
EZP-21967 Fix FieldType\Country\Type::getName() Field types
EZP-21968 getName() in BinaryBase and Image Field Types might return null Field types
EZP-21969 Improve coverage in eZ\Publish\IO 5.x/Legacy IO, Test framework
EZP-21970 When constructing URL alias path array of translations is not reset before returning first element key Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21971 UrlAliasService::reverseLookup() does not respect showAllTranslations setting Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-21977 BinaryFile template output the file size in bytes Design (templates, CSS, etc.)
EZP-21982 linkcheck.php and https protocol support Cronjobs
EZP-21986 Removing an underline removes the surrounding custom tag Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-21988 Static cache is not automatically updated when async publishing is enabled Caching
EZP-21989 Increase code coverage for EzPublishCoreBundle event listeners Platform stack
EZP-21991 UserHash should be cached tied to user session id, not user cookies Caching
EZP-21997 Creating custom alias in storage does not fill in $pathData property Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-22021 PAPI image/binary should avoid using orignal name & hitting filesystem node limits Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Field types
EZP-22024 custom tags lost with chrome (under specific conditions) Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22027 UrlAliasService->listLocationAliases not being updated when a new urlAlias is added in Admin Platform stack
EZP-22028 Anonymous role in demo site package contains content/view_embed policy that is too wide Legacy/Packages, Permissions
EZP-22030 Object Relations order changed upon concurrent edition Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22032 ezmediatype creates empty records Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-22036 Legacy Aware Route missing Platform stack
EZP-22039 ConfigResolver::hasParameter() doesn't check SiteAccess group scope Platform stack
EZP-22040 Link title is not rendered in XMLText Field type Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor, Platform stack
EZP-22055 REST path string parameters are not fully validated Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22062 error 500 on /api/ezp/v2/content/locations/1 Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22079 order of ezobjectlist doesn't save Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22085 "Tab" characters in node name error (urlalias_iri)
EZP-22095 eZ Star Rating does not work for anonymous Legacy/Extensions/eZ Star Rating
EZP-22098 0 as min or max allowed value of Float and Integer field is transformed to false in the REST API Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22101 DefaultRouter may load the ConfigResolver too early Platform stack
EZP-22104 Fatal error when disabling CSRF protection Platform stack
EZP-22113 ezflow: adding items to block is not published immediately Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-22116 Install wizard throws ezcBaseValueException Platform stack
EZP-22118 ezflow blocks display empty spaces if missing object translations Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-22124 inline image alignment is not respected Design (templates, CSS, etc.)
EZP-22131 Exceptions in legacy callback lead to unstable state Platform stack
EZP-22133 Define ezpublish.api.repository as a lazy service Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22153 eZDemo install does not respect "leave data and do nothing in the db" selection Install, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22156 CSRF provider is not optional Platform stack
EZP-22157 Define a pagelayout for legacy modules in DemoBundle DemoBundle
EZP-22174 Respect site.ini\[RoleSettings]\EnableCaching setting in eZUser::purgeUserCacheByUserId() and eZUser::getUserCacheByUserId()
EZP-22177 eZPersistentObject::handleRows() adds bogus rows
EZP-22178 Changing the main node does not update results in eZ Find Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22180 SPI: loading (reverse) relations does not check for published Content Caching, Legacy/Administration Interface, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-22188 Untranslated content can be viewed even when default language is not activated in current siteaccess Language, Platform stack
EZP-22195 Memcache configuration issue Platform stack
EZP-22204 "keep" value of ModuleViewAccessMode not working
EZP-22224 eZJSCore CSS packer does not parse URL with query string correctly Legacy/Extensions
EZP-22225 Publishing content in a symfony command throws InactiveScopeException Platform stack, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-22227 Fix Solr tests Test framework
EZP-22232 Fatal Error when calling eZContentOperationCollection::removeOldNodes() with inexistant object/object version
EZP-22234 User group that it is in the Trash will also be displayed at the "Users without workflow IDs" of the setting page of eZMultiplexerType event Legacy/Workflows
EZP-22235 IO exception on windows filesystem 5.x/Legacy IO, Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22236 quotes in object name breaks state change with kernel error Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22239 When the preview siteaccess runs in legacy mode, it falls back into ezpublish_legacy.default.view_default_layout Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Documentation, Platform stack
EZP-22256 Copyright still shows 2013 in a bunch of files of legacy stack
EZP-22265 Make the Blog content type by default visible in the content tree Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22272 Image alias generator throws exception if original file is not present Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Platform stack
EZP-22277 eZ Publish Production log is too verbose Platform stack
EZP-22308 SearchService: Filtering on Attributes of Type "Object Relation" does not work Field types, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl), Search
EZP-22310 eZFind: Search may return nodes outside of chosen 'subtree_array' Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22321 ezjscore cache (packed js/css) doesn`t get cleared without purge Caching, Legacy/Clustering
EZP-22326 [REST] GET Content request fails when the content has no locations Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22328 Inline doc in logfile.ini can lead to error in updateviewcount script Cronjobs
EZP-22333 Tag cloud + object state limitations generate a fatal SQL error Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Website Interface
EZP-22340 Error after installation ("Could not find 'Content' with identifier 'array ( 'id' => 57) DemoBundle, Install, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22353 Travis database error on ezpublish-community
EZP-22357 ContentSearchAdapter and ContentSearchHitAdapter have some errors in inline documentation Documentation, Platform/API interfaces
EZP-22358 SiteAccessRules setting doesn't work well in the Symfony Stack Platform stack
EZP-22366 Canonical URL not shown due to wrong bitwise AND operation on ezpagedata Legacy/Extensions/eZ Website Interface
EZP-22368 eZ Find: search index update script does not work with '--allow-root-user' option
EZP-22378 Reflect new repository configuration in SetupWizard Database related, Platform stack
EZP-22387 Error rendering a page block with trashed content Platform stack
EZP-22391 eZFind: Incorrect policy limitation when no 'content/read' access exists Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Search
EZP-22392 eZodoscope: Do not track and cache issues Legacy/Extensions/eZ Odoscope
EZP-22397 Error dispalying eZ Page block items on new stack Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-22398 purge imagealias cache does not remove the aliases in xml attribute data_text Caching
EZP-22399 When calling the method eZContentObject::relatedObjectCount with the IgnoreVisibility parameter, the count is not good Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-22402 Image disappears when removing the original of a copied content object Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.)
EZP-22404 Fatal error on UserService::createUser() Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22409 Creating a content via the Public API with object relations fails if class is being edited Platform/API interfaces
EZP-22414 Session is lost when redirecting from a legacy module Misc, Platform stack
EZP-22419 Clearing cache in CLI when eZ Publish is not yet installed leads to database error Caching
EZP-22426 DetectMobileDevice redirection fails for URI Misc
EZP-22427 ez_is_field_empty broken on Object Relation fields Platform stack
EZP-22430 Custom Location URL Alias not using redirect / 301
EZP-22434 Forum subscribe never accessible Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22435 Checkbox not stored on custom attribute if editor is disabled and there is no default value Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22437 JSON decode result is not checked in the input parser Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22446 AllowedRedirectHosts fix won't work with ports Misc
EZP-22447 Removed content still shows on frontend until http cache expires Caching
EZP-22456 Roles and Policies assigned to parent user group not inherited Permissions, Users and Access control
EZP-22457 XMLText uses canUser API wrong on location embeds Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Permissions, Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22465 Decouple build of handlers in Legacy storage engine Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22466 Related Objects editing not saved when AdvancedObjectRelationList is used Field types, Misc
EZP-22471 When loading resource in non-published version mainLocationId in ContentInfo is always null Platform stack
EZP-22472 Incorrect error handling 5.x/Legacy IO, Legacy/Clustering
EZP-22474 Preview Authorization uses wrong policy function Legacy/Administration Interface, Permissions
EZP-22476 DemoBundle stack thrown if image alias not found. DemoBundle
EZP-22477 Image Alias is not found on preview if not defined in admin site access Platform stack
EZP-22480 Object creation does not respect attribute constraints in ezoe Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22481 Kernel: overlapped Identity name definition
EZP-22487 paragraph drops its class when alignment is applied in ezoe Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22498 eZFlow: non-translatable layout is not updated for secondary languages Legacy/Administration Interface, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-22502 Missing 'ngsymfonytools' extension Legacy/Extensions, Platform stack
EZP-22504 Notice: Undefined variable: moduleName in ezfunctionhandler.php
EZP-22507 Unable to run any php ezpublish/console commands on PHP 5.3.3 Platform stack
EZP-22509 HTML pasted into literal ends up outside literal tag when the source is not plaintext Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22516 import broken image using PAPI leavs inconsistent data in the db Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22517 ezxml header level handling is broken inside custom tags Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22519 Duplicating a content version results in an empty draft if maximum versions is reached Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22524 "Object not available" on user/register Users and Access control
EZP-22525 On preview, JS and CSS is broken when using host-match mapping Platform stack
EZP-22531 Unable to install eZ Publish 5.3-dev using dev environment Platform stack
EZP-22563 Single line break is lost on headers Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22569 Removed Location still shows on frontend until http cache expires Caching
EZP-22579 Function call recursion on eZIni cache generation with PHP 5.5 Caching
EZP-22589 "Missing form token from Request" when trying to vote a poll from a block poll with a logged user DemoBundle
EZP-22603 Html Title not reflecting content in Demo Bundle DemoBundle
EZP-22604 Tag Block has display bugs DemoBundle
EZP-22605 No button to disable geosorting when on DemoBundle
EZP-22612 Error in UrlAliasService:matchLanguageCode() with same path string in differents languages Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22625 Circular reference on ezsettings.default.session_name Platform stack
EZP-22627 Place listing is not language aware DemoBundle, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo
EZP-22628 Trashing an edited user throws errors
EZP-22632 Make the REST request optional in ezpublish_rest.output.value_object_visitor.cached_value Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22634 URIText SiteAccess matcher doesn't implement URILexer Platform stack
EZP-22640 publishing from preview bypasses the asynchrounous publisher Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22641 multiupload bypasses the asynchronous publisher Documentation, Legacy/Extensions/eZ MultiUpload
EZP-22643 "Missing form token from Request " when creating an object after clearing cache Legacy/Extensions/eZ Form Token
EZP-22656 PHP Notice: Undefined property: eZSOAPClient::$TimeOut in /var/www/html/ezpublish5/ezpublish_legacy/lib/ezsoap/classes/ezsoapclient.php on line 167 Misc
EZP-22660 Mtime generated to 0 Legacy/Clustering
EZP-22661 Make sure content handlers only return versions known to the API Platform/API interfaces, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22664 View cache not cleared properly if the node count is above the threshold Caching, Platform stack
EZP-22665 Login to admin interface not working Legacy/Administration Interface, Users and Access control
EZP-22667 Response TTL should not depend on X-User-Hash Caching
EZP-22685 Embed images displayed side-by-side in Online Editor Legacy/Extensions/eZ Online Editor
EZP-22730 /url/view/ shows wrong status for objectversions Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22732 Previewing a pending/draft content cause error linked to canonical link inserted DemoBundle
EZP-22733 Role exception conversion gateway is missing a method and is not used Platform/Persistence/Legacy Storage engine
EZP-22734 UserGroup limitation type is incorrectly configured Permissions, Platform stack, Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-22738 Fatal error in Legacy\View\Provider\Block Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow, Platform stack
EZP-22743 Missing refresh session link in the root resource of the REST API Platform/REST API v2, Platform/REST Client:JS
EZP-22748 Treemenu: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22749 warning when storing expiry cache on shutdown
EZP-22755 Javascript error with fixed_toolbar.js Legacy/Administration Interface
EZP-22767 ezscript_require is not taken into account on modules Platform stack
EZP-22768 eZ Find: No result found on autocomplete Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22778 (eZ Find): Unable to run solr with multicore using solr. 4.7.x Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22779 Elevated words list doesn't have page navigator Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find
EZP-22782 eZWorkflowType::STATUS_REDIRECT sets bad object version status Legacy/Workflows
EZP-22784 Error 500 on POST /user/sessions if the user does not have access to the siteaccess Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22786 Legacy SearchHandlerTest::testStatusFilter fails on php 5.5.11 Database related
EZP-22792 eZContentObjectTrashNode originalParent() method fails when called multiple times Misc
EZP-22810 MySQL Query Error eZContentStructureTreeOperator::subTree Database related
EZP-22812 canRead() causes fatal error (eZFlow) Legacy/Extensions/eZ Flow
EZP-22817 Legacy Scripts failing to execute trough through the Symfony stack Misc
EZP-22823 Exception when previewing content with Website toolbar enabled Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Platform stack
EZP-22827 Having formtoken active, it's not possible to edit eZ Demo frontpage Legacy/Extensions/eZ Demo, Legacy/Extensions/eZ Form Token
EZP-22830 Solr Storage: having query with LogicalNot generating subquery returns empty result set Search
EZP-22835 PHP Warning: unlink(var/...): Is a directory in /var/www/html/ezp/ezpublish_legacy/kernel/classes/clusterfilehandlers/ezfsfilehandler.php on line 634 Platform stack
EZP-22854 updatesearchindex.php should commit search index more frequently Legacy/Extensions/eZ Find, Search
EZP-22861 DemoBundle Blog Post shows contentInfo.publishedDate instead of publication_date field DemoBundle
EZP-22872 Regression in REST variations generation Content (images, XML, PDF, RSS, etc.), Platform/REST API v2
EZP-22893 Undefined index in frontend after eZ Publish / ezwebin installation Design (templates, CSS, etc.)
EZP-22894 5.3-rc7 GPL has eZ Debug enabled Install
EZP-22901 Unable to run satis with version different than @dev Composer
EZP-22910 Formtoken exception is thrown when logging in without debug redirection Legacy/Extensions/eZ Form Token
EZP-22912 Criterion\MapLocationDistance returning empty results with big values Platform/Repository & Services (Public API impl)
EZP-23051 URI based matchers that implement URILexer do not account for basePath Platform stack
EZP-23523 Remove an embed image will cause fatal error when displaying content Platform stack
EZP-23890 ezdbschema does not sort elements of indexes when dumping schema definition Legacy/Extensions/eZ Oracle Database

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