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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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Criteria are the filters for Content and Location Search in "Platform stack", for generic use of API Search see Search Criteria and Sort Clauses

Criteria, the plural form for Criterion, consists of two parts just like SortClause and FacetBuilder:

  • The API Value: Criterion 
  • Specific handler per SearchEngine: Criterion Handler

The Criterion represents the value you use in the API, while CriterionHandler deals with the business logic in the background translating the value to something the Search engine can understand.

Implementation and availability of a handler typically depends on SearchEngine capabilities/limitations, currently only Legacy (SQL) Search Engine exists, and for instance its support for FullText and Field Criterion is not optimal and it is advised to avoid heavy use of these until future search engine arrives.

Common concepts for most Criteria

For how to use each and every Criterion see list below as it depends on the Criterion Value constructor, but in general you should be aware of the following common concepts:

  • target: Exposed if the given Criterion supports targeting a specific sub field, example: FieldDefinition or Meta Data identifier
  • value: The value(s) to filter on, this is typically a  scalar or array of scalars.
  • operator: Exposed on some Criteria
    • All operators can be seen as constants on eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query\Criterion\Operator, at time of writing: IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, LIKE, BETWEEN,CONTAINS
    • Most Criteria does not expose this and selects EQ or IN depending on if value is scalar or array
    • INBETWEEN always acts on a array of values, while the other operators acts on single scalar value
  • valueData : Additional value data, required by some criterions, MapLocationDistance for instance


In the Legacy search engine, the field index/sort key column is limited to 255 characters by design.
Due to this storage limitation, searching content using the eZ Country fieldtype when there are multiple countries selected may not return all the expected results.


List of Criteria

The list below reflects Criteria available in eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query\Criterion namespace (it is also possible to make custom criterion):

Only for LocationSearch

CriterionConstructor arguments description
Location\Depth >= 5.3/2014.03operator (IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, BETWEEN), value being the location depth(s) as an integer(s).
Location\IsMainLocation >= 5.3/2014.03Whether or not the value meaning if the location is a Main Location
(Location\IsMainLocation::MAIN, Location\IsMainLocation::NOT_MAIN).
Location\Priority >= 5.3/2014.03Priorities are integers that can be used for sorting in ascending or descending order. What is higher or lower priority in relation to the priority number is left to the user choice.
(GT, GTE, LT, LTE, BETWEEN), value being the location priority(s) as an integer(s).

Only for ContentSearch

CriterionConstructor arguments description
Depth DEPRECATED IN 5.3/2014.03Use LocationSearch with Location\Depth, since Depth can give unpredictable results when content has several locations.
LocationPriority DEPRECATED IN 5.3/2014.03Use LocationSearch with Location\Priority, since LocationPriority can give unpredictable results when content has several locations.


CriterionConstructor arguments description
ContentIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Content id.
ContentTypeGroupIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the ContentTypeGroup id.
ContentTypeIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the ContentType id.
ContentTypeIdentifier >= 5.1/2013.01value being string(s) representing the ContentType identifier, example: "article".
DateMetadatatarget (DateMetadata::MODIFIED , DateMetadata::CREATED), operator (IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, BETWEEN), value being integer(s) representing unix timestamp.

target (FieldDefinition identifier), operator (IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, LIKE, BETWEEN, CONTAINS), value being scalar(s) relevant for the field.

FieldRelation >= 5.3/2014.05target (FieldDefinition identifier), operator (IN, CONTAINS), value being array of scalars representing Content id of relation.
Use of IN means relation needs to have one of the provided ID's, while CONTAINS implies it needs to have all provide id's.

value being the string to search for, properties is array to set additional properties for use with future search engines like Solr/ElasticSearch.

LanguageCodevalue being string(s) representing Language Code(s) on the Content (not on Fields), matchAlwaysAvailable >= 5.2/2013.11 as boolean.
LocationIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Location id.
LocationRemoteIdvalue being string(s) representing the Location Remote id.
LogicalAndA LogicalOperator that takes array of other Criteria, makes sure all Criteria matches.
LogicalNotA LogicalOperator that takes array of other Criteria, makes sure none of the Criteria matches.
LogicalOrA LogicalOperator that takes array of other Criteria, makes sure one of the Criteria matches.
MapLocationDistance >= 5.3/2014.03target (FieldDefinition identifier), operator (IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, BETWEEN), distance as float(s) from a position using latitude as float, longitude as float as arguments
MatchAllNo arguments, mainly for internal use when no filter or query is provided on Query object.
MatchNoneNo arguments, mainly for internal use by BlockingLimitation.
ObjectStateIdvalue being string(s) representing the Content ObjectState id.

value being scalar(s) representing the Parent's Location id

RemoteIdvalue being string(s) representing the Content Remote id.
SectionIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Content Section id.
Subtreevalue being string(s) representing the Location id in which you can filter. If the Location Id is  /1/2/20/42, you will filter everything under 42.
UserMetadatatarget (UserMetadata::OWNER , UserMetadata::GROUP, UserMetadata::MODIFIER), operator (IN, EQ), value being scalars(s) representing the User or UserGroup id(s).
Visibilityvalue (Visibility::VISIBLE , Visibility::HIDDEN), Note: This acts on all assigned locations when used with ContentSearch, meaning hidden content will be returned if it has a location which is visible. Use LocationSearch to avoid this.