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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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The following two lists of issues are for legacy (4.x) and Symfony (5.x) stack respectively as eZ Publish 5.x contains both. Legacy has the normal, hallmark stability that users have come to expect since version 4.2, while the new kernel is a bit more on the edge in the first release. The next releases and the service packs for 5.0 will change that, making it as stable as always.

The bug tracker for eZ Publish, from which these lists are extracted, is available at


Legacy kernel issues (18 issues)

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due
Bug EZP-19876 Changing Class's attribute order mixes attributes when we use a already existing order number Unassigned Paulo Nunes High Closed Fixed Oct 19, 2012 Jan 02, 2013
Bug EZP-19880 When removing an updated article I get an eZFileHandler error in eZ Oracle Unassigned Pedro Resende High Closed Invalid Oct 22, 2012 Nov 22, 2012
Bug EZP-19900 eZ Network Not valid HTTPS Certificate Unassigned Pedro Resende High Closed Fixed Oct 26, 2012 Apr 24, 2013
Bug EZP-20003 not updating installation frontpage on eZ Publish 5.0 with eZ Oracle Unassigned Pedro Resende High Open Unresolved Nov 07, 2012 Nov 22, 2012
Bug EZP-20008 not updated correctly the values with eZ Publish 5.0 while with eZ DB Unassigned Pedro Resende High Open Unresolved Nov 07, 2012 Nov 22, 2012
Bug EZP-20022 clusterize.php generates an error in error.log Unassigned Pedro Resende High Closed Cannot Reproduce Nov 08, 2012 Dec 10, 2012
Bug EZP-20049 eZ Oracle Upgrade link isn't working on README file Unassigned Pedro Resende High Closed Fixed Nov 12, 2012 Jan 07, 2013
Bug EZP-20055 (postgres) Upgrading 4.7 to 5.0 in postgres show the following warnings in upgrade check Unassigned Joao Pingo High Closed Won't Fix Nov 12, 2012 Jan 26, 2016
Story EZP-22898 Date FieldTypes does not support time beyond 2038 Unassigned Pedro Resende High Confirmed Unresolved May 21, 2014 Oct 12, 2015
Bug EZP-19541 Login with DebugByUser enabled is not possible in ezp500 Unassigned João Pingo Medium Closed Won't Fix Jul 23, 2012 Jan 26, 2016
Bug EZP-19576 SSLSubtrees stop working after changes Unassigned Pedro Resende Medium Closed Fixed Aug 24, 2012 Mar 05, 2013
Bug EZP-19606 Cannot view "Video/Flash player" videos on ezp5 Unassigned Paulo Cardiga Medium Closed None Sep 06, 2012 Nov 23, 2012
Bug EZP-19608 Wrong documentation while running the installation of eZ Publish Unassigned Pedro Resende Medium Closed Fixed Sep 06, 2012 May 07, 2013
Bug EZP-19662 ezdemo: Video Playback not possible in ezdemo design Unassigned João Pingo Medium Closed None Sep 25, 2012 Nov 23, 2012
Bug EZP-19672 (tc-407) (eZSession) Session Handler=ezpSessionHandlerDB parameter is being ignored Unassigned Paulo Cardiga Medium Closed Won't Fix Sep 26, 2012 Jan 22, 2013
Bug EZP-20012 Notice and incorrect behaviour of eZXMLTextType::title() method Unassigned Patrick Allaert Medium Closed Fixed Nov 08, 2012 Jan 22, 2013
Bug EZP-20098 Warning: filesize(): stat failed for files created by setup wizard Unassigned Łukasz Serwatka Medium Closed Obsolete Nov 19, 2012 Mar 09, 2015
Improvement EZP-21744 Documentation: twig templates cannot be previewed in back end Unassigned Joaquim Cavalleri Medium Closed Fixed Oct 14, 2013 Feb 06, 2014



5.x kernel (Public API, REST API v2 & Symfony stack) issues (20 issues)

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due
Story EZP-19920 Spec & prototype Cluster support on Binary File FieldTypes by using IO handler Unassigned André Rømcke Critical Closed Fixed Oct 30, 2012 Jan 30, 2013
Bug EZP-20089 Failures in Public API when setting remote id on Location on create Unassigned Edi Modrić Critical Closed Fixed Nov 16, 2012 May 12, 2015
Story EZP-20111 eZ Commentes FieldType is not supported by Public API Unassigned André Rømcke Critical Closed Won't Fix Nov 21, 2012 Nov 07, 2013
Bug EZP-20155 Normalization workaround breaks if multiple yaml files Unassigned Bertrand Dunogier Critical Closed Fixed Nov 23, 2012 Mar 22, 2013
Bug EZP-19766 Missing base templates blocks and config for demo design supported fields Unassigned Bertrand Dunogier High Closed Obsolete Jul 16, 2012 Jan 29, 2015
Story EZP-19931 Finish implementation of Page FieldType Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Duplicate Oct 30, 2012 Feb 28, 2013
Bug EZP-20010 Missing locale and translation support in Twig & Public API, locale mapping needed Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Fixed Nov 07, 2012 Sep 06, 2013
Bug EZP-20019 Top menu bar no longer appear on eZ Demo homepage Unassigned Paulo Nunes High Closed Obsolete Nov 08, 2012 Mar 03, 2015
Improvement EZP-20033 Implement XmlText relation handling Unassigned Patrick Allaert High Closed Fixed Nov 09, 2012 May 22, 2013
Improvement EZP-20100 Lazy load db connection in Legacy Storage Engine Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Fixed Nov 20, 2012 Jan 31, 2013
Bug EZP-20102 Limitation Types are not validated by Public API Policy create/update methods Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Fixed Nov 20, 2012 May 20, 2013
Story EZP-20115 eZ Identifier FieldType not supported by Public API Unassigned André Rømcke High Backlog Unresolved Nov 21, 2012 May 12, 2016
Story EZP-20116 eZ SubtreeSubscription FieldType not supported by Public API Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Won't Fix Nov 21, 2012 May 12, 2016
Bug EZP-20154 LimitationTypes (Permissions) does not support ContentCreateStruct Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Fixed Nov 23, 2012 Jun 21, 2013
Bug EZP-20196 Running ezpublish/console as root user will make install fail Unassigned Gaetano Giunta High Closed Obsolete Dec 03, 2012 Mar 03, 2015
Bug EZP-20197 eZ5 Setup generated config not working with empty MySQL password Unassigned Jérôme Cohonner High Closed Obsolete Dec 03, 2012 Mar 03, 2015
Bug EZP-20221 Socket information for Database Connection is not propagated to legacy Unassigned Donat Fritschy High Closed Fixed Dec 12, 2012 Feb 20, 2013
Bug EZP-20289 Symfony CSRF protection not integrated with legacy Unassigned André Rømcke High Closed Fixed Jan 09, 2013 May 17, 2013
Story EZP-20321 Finalize cluster support in FieldType API Unassigned Bertrand Dunogier High Closed None Jan 17, 2013 Jun 11, 2013
Story EZP-20399 Implement host+uri using compound siteaccess matcher Unassigned Jérôme Vieilledent High Closed Fixed Jan 31, 2013 Apr 05, 2013
Showing 20 out of 41 issues Refresh


Known limitation

First level folders or other container objects in your content structure can't have the same name as the existing siteaccesses if you configured your site to use URL access method.
Considering an existing "ezflow_site" siteaccess exists, if you create a folder with the same name and try to access it using http://<your_site>/ezflow_site you will be redirected to the siteaccess instead on accessing your "ezflow_site" folder.
This is actually a known limitation of the URI siteaccess matching.

If you need to use first level folders or other container objects with the same name as any of your siteaccesses we suggest you to use hostname matching instead.
For more details on configuring hostname matching, please check the Siteaccess Matching documentation.

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