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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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5.4 / 2014.11

Use of DFS clustering is a requirement for use in Clustering setup, for overview of clustering feature see Clustering

What it is meant for

The legacy_dfs_cluster IO metadata handler can be used to store images on NFS, while remaining compatible with legacy, using the DFS Cluster file handler. It stores metadata in the ezdfsfile table from the legacy database. It is meant to be used to write binarydata to a locally mounted NFS server.


Note for use with legacy

This handler requires legacy to be configured to use DFS clustering.

Assuming that your database is named ezdfs, configure it, for instance in ezpublish.yml:


Important: take good note of the $var_dir$/$storage_dir$ part for the NFS path. Legacy expects this path to exist on the NFS mount in order to be able to read and write files.

Web server rewrite rules.

The default eZ Publish rewrite rules will let image requests be served directly from disk. With native support, files matching ^/var/([^/]+/)?storage/images(-versioned)?/.* have to be sent to the normal index.php

In any case, this specific rewrite rule must be placed without the ones that "ignore" image files and just let the web server serve the files.



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  1. These two rewrite rules should change index.php by app.php, shouldn't they?

    Edit: at least since index.php is not present anymore. could be still valid for 5.x though

  2. Carlos Revillo This is space for eZ Publish 5.x, we made a new one for eZ Platform, check for instance TECHDOC space.