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eZ Publish (5.x)

eZ Publish 5.x | For eZ Platform & eZ Studio topics see Technical manual and User manual, for eZ Publish 4.x and Legacy topics see eZ Publish legacy

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eZ Publish 5 has a strong focus on backwards compatibility and thus lets you reuse code you might have written for 4.x, including templates and modules.


Read Intro for eZ Publish 4.x/3.x developers to have an overview of common concepts and terminology changes, it also have a sub page comparing 4.x with 5.x.

Looking for 4.x documentation ?

You will find the 4.x documentation in the legacy part of the documentation.

Legacy Mode

Legacy mode is a specific configuration mode where eZ Publish's behavior is the closest to v4.x. It might be used in some very specific use cases, such as running the admin interface.

What it does

  • Still runs through the whole Symfony kernel. As such, Symfony services can still be accessed from legacy stack.
  • Disables the default router (standard Symfony routes won't work in this mode)
  • Disables the UrlAliasRouter. As such, the ViewController will be bypassed.

What it doesn't do

  • Increase performance. Legacy mode is actually painful for performances since it won't use the HttpCache mechanism.

In a migration context, using Legacy Mode is never a good option as it prevents all the performance goodness (e.g. Http Cache) to work.
Always keep in mind that, not running in legacy mode, if a content item still doesn't have a corresponding Twig template/controller, eZ Publish will always fallback to the legacy kernel, looking for a legacy template .

If you don't have anything (e.g. pagelayout, config...) migrated to Symfony stack, including Twig templates and Symfony controllers, it's usually better performance wise to use pure legacy stack, using ezpublish_legacy/ folder as your DocumentRoot.

This way you will only use the legacy kernel and eZ Publish will have the same behavior as 4.x. However, note that you won't be able to use the Symfony stack features at all.


Allowing Symfony routes to work

Symfony routes are disabled in legacy mode, which implies admin interface as well.

If for some reason you need a Symfony route to work, you add it to a whitelist :

Deprecation warning

Configuration for legacy aware routes have changed as of 5.4.2. Prior to this version, configuration was the following:

Note that this notation doesn't work as of eZ Platform (kernel v6.0)


By default, _ezpublishLegacyTreeMenu and all REST v2 (ezpublish_rest_ prefix) routes are allowed.

Legacy Template inclusion

It is possible to include old templates (.tpl) into new ones.

Include a legacy template using the old template override mechanism

Or if you want to include a legacy template by its path, relative to ezpublish_legacy folder:

eZ Publish 5.1+

Template parameters

Scalar and array parameters are passed to a legacy template as-is.

Objects, however, are being converted in order to comply the legacy eZ Template API. By default a generic adapter is used, exposing all public properties and getters. You can define your own converter by implementing the appropriate interface and declare it as a service with the  ezpublish_legacy.templating.converter tag.

Content / Location objects from the Public API are converted into eZContentObject/eZContentObjectTreeNode objects (re-fetched). 

Running legacy code

eZ Publish 5 still relies on the legacy kernel (from 4.x) and runs it when needed inside an isolated PHP closure, making it sandboxed. This is available for your use as well through the runCallback() method.

All calls from Platform/Symfony stack to legacy stack should be run inside a runCallback() call.

Simple legacy code example

The example above is very simple and naive - in fact for accessing configuration settings from the Legacy Stack using the ConfigResolver is recommended.

Using the legacy closure, you'll be able to even run complex legacy features, like an eZ Find search:

Using eZ Find

Legacy modules

Routing fallback & sub-requests

Any route that is not declared in eZ Publish 5 in an included routing.yml and that is not a valid UrlAlias will automatically fallback to eZ Publish legacy (including admin interface).

This allows all your old modules to work as before, out-of-the-box (including kernel modules), and also allows you to reuse this code from your templates using sub requests:

Template legacy module sub-request

If your module uses ezjscore to insert CSS or JS, you need to add calls to ez_legacy_render_js and/or ez_legacy_render_css to the twig template rendering the <head> of your page.


Using eZ Publish 5 and Symfony features in Legacy

If for some reason you need to develop a legacy module and access to eZ Publish 5 / Symfony features (i.e. when developing an extension for admin interface), you'll be happy to know that you actually have access to all services registered in the whole framework, including bundles, through the service container.

The example below shows how to retrieve the content repository and the logger.

Retrieve services from the container


The example above works in legacy modules and CLI scripts


Running legacy scripts and cronjobs

Note: This feature has been introduced in eZ Publish 5.1.


Running legacy scripts and cronjobs through the Symfony stack is highly recommended !
Otherwise, features from the Symfony stack cannot be used (i.e. HTTP cache purge) and cache clearing. NB: Some script we know won't affect cache, are still documented to be executed the direct way.

Legacy scripts can be executed form the Symfony CLI, by using the ezpublish:legacy:script command, specifying the path to the script as argument.

The command will need to be executed from eZ Publish's 5 root, and the path to the desired script must exist in the ezpublish_legacy folder.
Here's a usage example:

php ezpublish/console --env=prod ezpublish:legacy:script bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php

Here we made sure to specify --env=prod, this is needed for all legacy scripts that clear cache, otherwise they will will clear dev environment cache instead of prod for Symfony stack.

Options and arguments

Always pass the legacy script options and arguments AFTER script path, otherwise they will be lost.

Script help

If you want to access the script's help please be aware that you will need to use the newly introduced --legacy-help option, since --help is already reserved for the CLI help.

The --legacy-help option should be added before the path to the script for this to work.


Here's an example:

php ezpublish/console --env=prod ezpublish:legacy:script --legacy-help bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php

The same logic will apply for cronjob execution.
Legacy cronjobs are triggered by the runcronjobs.php legacy script, which expects the name of the cronjob to run as a parameter.
This is how you can run cronjobs from the Symfony CLI:

php ezpublish/console --env=prod ezpublish:legacy:script runcronjobs.php frequent

Also, if you require using additional script options, please be sure to use the long name, such as --siteaccess or --debug to avoid conflicts between script and CLI options.
For more details regarding legacy cronjobs execution please refer to the Running cronjobs chapter existing in

Legacy bundles

Available starting from v5.3 / 2014.03.

Most customization work on eZ Publish legacy was done through Extensions. Due to the current dual-kernel architecture, many features written for the new stack will require some matching legacy code (a FieldType will require the equivalent datatype, a feature might require back-office customization...). In order to facilitate this, legacy bundles were implemented.

They allow you to place a legacy extension (or several) within a Symfony 2 bundle. Any such extension will be installed inside ezpublish_legacy/extension, and automatically enabled as long as the bundle is registered.

Creating a legacy bundle extension


Legacy extensions must:

  • be placed within the bundle, within an ezpublish_legacy subfolder
  • must be contained in their own subfolder: Acme/AcmeBundle/ezpublish_legacy/acmeextension
  • must contain an extension.xml file

A symlink (by default) will be created in ezpublish_legacy/extension pointing to the acmeextension folder. Starting from there, it will behave like any regular legacy extension.

Alternative: referencing an existing legacy extension via composer


An alternative use-case is also covered: you have an existing legacy extension, and a new stack bundle depends on it. It is possible to reference this legacy extension, without copying anything from it, and have it automatically installed and enabled when the bundle is installed and registered.

To do so, the bundle's Bundle class must implement an extra interface, eZ\Bundle\EzPublishLegacyBundle\LegacyBundles\LegacyBundleInterface . This interface specifies a getLegacyExtensionsNames() method, that is expected to return an array of legacy extensions names. Those legacy extension names will be enabled in legacy.

In ngsymfonytoolsbundle, we have two things:

  • composer.json requires the legacy extension
    When the bundle is installed using composer, the legacy extension gets installed inside legacy 
  • EzSystemsNgsymfonytoolsBundle.php implements getLegacyExtensionsNames(), and returns array( 'ngsymfonytools' ), automatically enabling the extension in legacy.

Running the legacy bundle install script manually

By default, ezpublish-community/composer.json will call the legacy bundle install script after update and install. If for some reason, you want to do it manually, it looks a lot like asset install scripts:

 By default, it will create an absolute symlink, but options exist to use a hard copy (–copy) or a relative link (--relative).
The script will also avoid overwriting existing targets if they aren't links to the bundle. The --force option will make the script erase existing targets before copying/linking.


  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Re Creating a legacy bundle extension: Please be aware that legacy extensions placed in the bundle do not have the full range of possibilities. The main drawback I found was that they are not included in the eZTemplateDesignResource arrays due to the fact that the symlinked design folders are not found.