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Release Process

This document explains the release process for eZ Platform and eZ Enterprise.

eZ Platform is an open source Content Management System (CMS) developed by eZ Systems together with the open source community. eZ Platform's code base is available on GitHub under the GPLv2 license. 

eZ Platform Enterprise Edition (EE) is a commercial software available under eZ Business User License, comprised of eZ Platform Open Source edition and additional features provided as part of the Studio feature set.

The eZ Platform release and support cycle is described below.

We manage the release of eZ Platform using an agile iterative process and a continuous software development model.

There are two kinds of eZ Enterprise releases:

  • Long Term Support releases (LTS) which are supported by eZ Systems for a long period of time (see support lifecycle below), for eZ Enterprise subscribers.
  • Fast Track releases (FT) which are supported for a short period of time, only until the next FT release is introduced. These are supported for both the open source community and eZ Enterprise subscribers.

Versioning Conventions

eZ Platform Open Source and Enterprise editions use Semantic Versioning.  

eZ Platform and all inner components have a version number following the semantic versioning conventions vX.Y.Z.

  • Changes to X, the first digit indicate a breaking change to the API, and developers know that they may need to implement a re-write of their code to continue consuming the API moving forward.
  • Y, the middle digit represents new features and functionality.
  • Z, The final digit represents patches, bug fixes and other forms of “oops” and “aha!”.

In addition to the version number, we communicate on eZ Platform Enterprise releases using their release name, which provide information on the support and maintenance service availability. Example: eZ Platform Enterprise 2017 for the Long Term Supported release that came mid December 2016 or eZ Platform Enterprise 2017.04 for the Fast Track release that comes in April 2017.

This way, distribution files of our product are as following:

  • eZ Platform uses its own unique semantic version number: ezplatform-vX.Y.Z.tgz

  • eZ Platform Enterprise uses its semantic version numberezplatformenterprise-vX.Y.Z.tgz


Support Life Cycle

Our software products are continuously evolving, and we have released many versions over the years.

As we strive to release stable products with cutting-edge technology, there is an obvious need for Software Maintenance services to provide bug fixes as well as adjustments for evolving web technologies. And, as our products always provide new features and possibilities, our documentation and user forums may not always be able to provide an answer to all questions that may arise. That's why our Professional Services Team stands ready to assist.

Over time, existing product versions mature and new versions become the center of attention for customers wanting the latest and greatest in features and extensibility. We adapt to this continuous evolution by phasing out services for the old versions while commencing services for the new ones. This means that our services specific to each release are only available from a given start date until an end date. The time in between the start and end dates is what we call the product's Service Life.

This table provides an overview of the beginning and end of the Service Life of our products*.

Product Release

First Ship Month (FSM)

Last Ship Month (LSM)

End of Service Life (EOSL)

Service Life Extension (SLE)

eZ Platform April 2017 FTPlanned for end of April 2017June 2017N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)
eZ Platform February 2017 FT (v1.8)Planned for end of February 2017April 2017N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)
eZ Platform 2017 LTS (v1.7)December 2016December 2017End of December 2019TBD
eZ Enterprise 2016.10 FT (v1.6)October 2016December 2016N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)
eZ Enterprise 2016.08 FT (v1.5)August 2016October 2016N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)
eZ Enterprise 2016.06 FT (v1.4)June 2016August 2016N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)
eZ Enterprise 2016.04 FT (v1.3)April 2016June 2016N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)
eZ Enterprise 2016.02 FT (v1.2)February 2016April 2016N/A (Fast Track)N/A (Fast Track)

eZ Enterprise 2015.12 FT (v1.0)

December 2015

February 2016

N/A (Fast Track)

N/A (Fast Track)

eZ Publish Platform 5.4 LTS***

November 2014

November 2015****

End of November 2017

Eligible. End of November 2021****

eZ Publish Platform 5.3 LTS

May 2014

May 2015

End of May 2017

Eligible. End of May 2019

eZ Publish Platform 5.2

November 2013

May 2014

End of November 2014

Not Eligible

eZ Publish Platform 5.1 LTS

May 2013

May 2014

End of May 2016

Eligible. End of May 2018

eZ Publish Platform 5.0

November 2012

May 2013**

End of November 2013**

Not Eligible

eZ Publish Enterprise 4.7

May 2012

May 2013

End of May 2015*

Eligible. End of November 2017

eZ Publish Enterprise 4.6

November 2011

November 2012

End of November 2015

Eligible. End of November 2017

eZ Publish Enterprise 4.5

March 2011

March 2012

End of March 2015

Eligible. End of March 2017

eZ Publish Enterprise 4.4

September 2010

September 2011

End of September 2014

Eligible. End of September 2016

eZ Publish 4.3

March 2010

March 2011

End of March 2014

Eligible. End of March 2016

Releases preceding eZ Publish 4.3 have all reached their end of Service Life.

  • FSM: The First Ship Month we accept installations to start using this version.
  • LSM: The Last Ship Month we accept installations to start using this version.
  • EOSL: End Of (normal) Service Life, the last month we provide Product Support and Software Maintenance services for a given version.
  • SLE: Extended Software Maintenance which includes security updates beyond EOSL. Contact your sales representative for more details.
    • Note: SLE is a "best effort" product with no bug fix guarantee. Hence, under SLE it is not recommended to do new development like redesign, moving to new servers, new server operating system or similar. For such efforts, please upgrade to a version within normal service life first.
  • LTS: Long term supported release

* For individually agreed lengths of Service Life, please consult your contract. If it goes beyond EOSL it will effectively be valid under the terms of SLE.
** 5.0 was changed to a short term release for new customers when 5.1 came out, thus old contracts have an EOSL in November 2016 but we highly recommend that all existing 5.0 customers upgrade to an LTS release.
*** 5.4 introduces new features in "6.0/Platform stack" and will continue to get certain new features during 2015 to ease forward compatibility with eZ Platform and eZ Studio. For further information see 5.4 release notes.
**** 5.4 being the last eZ Publish release, it will be available for existing eZ Publish customer beyond Last Ship Month (until EOSL), and have an extended service life, making it an ideal release for slow migration to eZ Platform and eZ Studio.


Our roadmap is updated continuously following our custom ScrumBan iterative development methodology (our own adaptation and combination of Scrum and Kanban). Our agile board is open so that anyone can have a clear view of the ongoing and upcoming development. Progress is based on the prioritized Epics from a living backlog into phases of specification and design, development and documentation, and QA. The final phase of our development includes a dedicated period of Certification and Quality Assurance, which ensures our ability to deliver a stable first version of the professionally supported software.

If you want to know what are the EPICS (big features) we are working on, please look at our dedicated product development board:

How to Read the Board

The Epic board can at first be daunting to understand, so here are some things to be aware of:

  • Doc: Means the feature has most likely either been developed already in the last release, or will be in the next one, but might still be missing some documentation.
  • Dev: Features in progress, unless just started, they will be part of the next upcoming release (barring some roadblocks).
  • Prioritized/Spec: These are the next features we will start working on, prioritization and main responsibility to specify is done by eZ Product Management team.
  • Open: A backlog of features we want to have in place in the future.

Work currently in progress

The following list represents the Epics currently in progress and which might make it in the next release.

Key Summary Updated Assignee Reporter P
EZS-1252 Studio Internationalization (l18n) Jan 11, 2017 Unassigned André Rømcke High
EZS-1253 Form Builder M2 Jan 18, 2017 Unassigned Roland Benedetti High
EZP-25793 UDW finder Jan 18, 2017 Stéphane Diot Roland Benedetti High
EZP-26647 Content Type View Jan 25, 2017 Unassigned Roland Benedetti High
EZP-26828 Tools, documentation and processes for contributing translations Jan 30, 2017 Unassigned Bertrand Dunogier High
EZP-25541 Rich Text Editing M3 Jan 24, 2017 Damien Pobel Damien Pobel Medium
EZP-25696 HTTP cache multi-tagging Jan 24, 2017 Bertrand Dunogier Bertrand Dunogier High
EZS-1265 Rename Studio > EE Jan 04, 2017 Unassigned David Christian Liedle High

Next up: Top of the queue 

Below is the first 10 epics we have prioritized to work on next.

Key Summary Updated Assignee Reporter P
EZS-830 Flex Workflow Create without Publish rights Jan 30, 2017 Unassigned Roland Benedetti High
EZS-988 eZ Enterprise on Dec 21, 2016 Gunnstein Lye David Christian Liedle High
EZP-26526 FieldType UI Doc Nov 28, 2016 Unassigned André Rømcke High
EZP-25989 REST Embedding Jan 16, 2017 Bertrand Dunogier André Rømcke High
EZP-25357 Rich Text Custom Tag M1 Jan 18, 2017 Unassigned Roland Benedetti Critical
EZP-23738 Permissions UI granularity Jan 17, 2017 André Rømcke André Rømcke High
EZP-26866 POC Hybrid SF app loading YUI modules from 1.x Jan 25, 2017 David Christian Liedle Roland Benedetti High
EZP-26465 Search Facets Jan 17, 2017 Unassigned André Rømcke High
EZP-25939 Content on the Fly M2 Dec 13, 2016 Damien Pobel Roland Benedetti High
EZP-25778 Display Semantic Version Number in UI Nov 05, 2016 Unassigned David Christian Liedle High
Showing 10 out of 18 issues Refresh

Want to Contribute?

Our process being open, please feel free to report bugs or suggest features via our JIRA projects: the EZP Jira project for all things related to eZ Platform, and the EZS Jira project for all things related to eZ Studio (the enhanced version of Platform available only with eZ Enterprise).

If you'd like to help speed things up because you need a feature on a project, Epics in the Open state are relatively safe to jump on. 

  1. Simply add a comment on the one you have already worked on or would like to start on among the epics on the board, and folks at eZ will try to help on specifying the feature.
  2. For discussions on how to tackle the feature technically, or anything else, reach out on Slack using the self service sign on page.
  3. When a Pull request has been opened, most of the discussion will happen in the relevant github repositories.
  4. When a feature is done, you can help out on documentation by proposing  documentation  using for instance and link to them via comments on the Epics.

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