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IO URL decoration

By default, images and binary files referenced by content will be served from the same server as the application, like /var/ezdemo_site/storage/images/3/6/4/6/6463-1-eng-GB/kidding.png. This is the default semantic configuration:

 $var_dir$ and $storage_dir$ are dynamic, siteaccess-aware settings, and will be replaced by those settings value in the execution context.


URL decorators are an eZ Platform features. If an image field is displayed via a legacy callback or legacy template, no decoration will be applied.

Using a static server for images

One common use-case is to use an optimized nginx to serve images in an optimized way. The example image above could be made available as, by setting up a server that uses ezpublish/ezpublish_legacy/var/ezdemo_site/storage. The eZ Platform configuration would be as follows:

Legacy compatiblity

Legacy still requires non-absolute path to store images (var/site/storage/images/etc.). In order to work around this, a UrlRedecorator, that converts back and forth between the legacy uri prefix and the one in use in the application has been added. It is used in all places where a legacy URL is returned/expected, and takes care of making sure the value is as expected.


Any BinaryFile returned by the public API is prefixed with the value of this setting, internally stored as

Dynamic container settings

Those settings are siteaccess-aware.


Default value: $var_dir$/$storage_dir$
Example: /var/ezdemo_site/storage

Used to configure the default URL decorator service (, used by all binarydata handlers to generate the URI of loaded files. It is always interpreted as an absolute URI, meaning that unless it contains a scheme (http://, ftp://), it will be prepended with a '/'.


Default value: $var_dir$/$storage_dir$
Example: var/ezdemo_site/storage

Used by the legacy storage engine to convert images public URI to a format it understands. Unlike io.url_prefix, it is not an absolute link. Cannot be overridden using semantic configuration. Changing this value will break compatibility for the legacy backoffice.


Example: %ezpublish_legacy.root_dir%/$var_dir$/$storage_dir$
Default value: /var/www/ezpublish/ezpublish_legacy/var/ezdemo_site/storage

Physical path where binary files are stored on disk. Cannot be overridden using semantic configuration. Changing this value will break compatibility for the legacy backoffice.


URL decorators

An UrlDecorator decorates and undecorates a given string (url) in some way. It has two mirror methods: decorate and undecorate.

Two implementations are provided: Prefix, and AbsolutePrefix. They both add a prefix to a URL, but AbsolutePrefix will ensure that unless the prefix is an external URL, the result will be prepended with /.

Three UrlDecorator services are introduced:

  • used by the binarydata handlers to decorate all uris sent out by the API. Uses AbsolutePrefix.
  • used via the UrlRedecorator (see below) by various legacy elements (Converter, Storage Gateway, etc.) to generate its internal storage format for uris. Uses a Prefix, not an AbsolutePrefix, meaning that no leading / is added.

In addition, a UrlRedecorator service,, uses both decorators above to convert URIs between what is used on the new stack, and what format legacy expects (relative urls from the ezpublish root).