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Technical documentation:

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The content repository is where all your content is been stored. It is the heart of eZ Platform which you interact with using Public API.

To store data, the content repository uses a storage engine that can virtually can work with any kind of storage (RDBMS, NoSQL, etc.). eZ Publish 5 came with a relational storage engine, compatible with v4.x: the Legacy storage engine, which is the default.

You can define several repositories within a single application. However, you can only use one per site.

Configuration examples

Using default values


If no repository is specified for a siteaccess or siteaccess group, the first defined repository (under ezpublish.repositories) will be used.

All explicit


Legacy storage engine

Legacy storage engine uses Doctrine DBAL (Database Abstraction Layer). Database settings are supplied by DoctrineBundle. As such, you can refer to DoctrineBundle's documentation.


Doctrine ORM is not provided by default. If you want to use it, you will need to add doctrine/orm as a dependency in your composer.json.

Field groups configuration

SINCE 1.3/16.04

Field groups, used in content and Content Type editing, can be configured from the repository section. Values entered there are field group identifiers:

These identifiers can be given human-readable values and translated. Those values will at the moment be used when editing Content Types. The translation domain is ezplatform_fields_groups.
This file will define English names for field groups:


1 Comment

  1. The stash cache pool needs to be configured too, or there will be "random" errors: