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Technical documentation:

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ElasticSearch exists only as a technology preview, we welcome people to try it and help make it better. The latest version is only available in "dev-master" version of eZ Platform, and not in any version of eZ Publish Platform 5.x.

Given it is experimental, it is currently not professionally supported

How to use ElasticSearch Search engine

Step 1: Enabling Bundle

First, activate the Elasticsearch Search Engine Bundle (eZ\Bundle\EzPublishElasticsearchSearchEngineBundle\EzPublishElasticsearchSearchEngineBundle) in your app/AppKernel.php class file.

Step 2: Configuring Bundle

Then configure your search engine in config.yml





For further information on the ElasticSearch integration in eZ Platform, find the default configuration and mappings for Content and Location type documents (Note: Content/Location modeling will most likely be simplified in the future, like in the Solr search engine bundle).


Step 3: Configuring repository

The following is an example of configuring the ElasticSearch Search Engine, where the connection name is same as in example above, and engine is set to be  elasticsearch:





Step 4: Run CLI indexing command

Last step is to execute initial indexation of data: