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This page describes features available only in eZ Studio.

The eZLandingPageFieldType represents an editable page that can be built from defined set of blocks.

The user can use them to build a dynamic page. The configuration of layout and blocks is stored in the default_layouts.yml file.

In this topic

Layout configuration

The layout configuration is stored in the default_layouts.yml file with the following structure below:


In eZ Publish (legacy) you could configure a layout in the ( DemoBundle / Resources / config / ezpage.yml) file. 

Example of settings:

In eZ Studio you can configure a layout in the  ezstudio-demo-bundle / Resources / config / default_layouts.yml file.

Example of settings:

Page FieldType                                          

LandingPage FieldType


The following parameters need to be included in the settings of the default_layouts.yml file:



stringLayout config rootYes


stringUnique key of the layoutYes


stringID of the LayoutYes


stringName of the LayoutYes


stringDescription of LayoutYes


string<path> to thumbnail imageYes



<path> to template View

For example:

<bundle>:<directory>:<file name>




Collection of zones

{ID}/{zone}/zone_idstringID of the zoneYes
{ID}/{zone}/namestringZone nameYes


Configuring Blocks

The configuration of blocks is stored in the default_layouts.yml file with the following structure below:

In eZ Publish/Platform you could configure blocks in the FieldType ( DemoBundle / Resources / config / ezpage.yml)                                     

In eZ Studio you can configure blocks in the LandingPage Field Type ( ezstudio-demo-bundle / Resources / config / default_layouts.yml)