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This step is very similar to the previous one on adding pagination. We are going to add a new type parameter in the whole component stack; the main difference with the offset case is that the user will pick a Content Type in a drop-down list instead of just using the Next/Previous links in the page.

Symfony Controller and routing configuration to accept a type parameter

In addition to the offset parameter, the Symfony action has to accept a type parameter. Like in the previous step, this involves changing the routing.yml configuration file and changing the logic in the Controller to do a search request based on this parameter if it is provided. This is done in the related commit.

JavaScript application routing to accept a type parameter

Like in the offset case, we have to add a new route to support the type parameter. Again, this is done in the application plugin with the following code:


Request the server with the given type

Again, this is very similar to the offset case, now that we have a Content Type identifier in the matched route parameters, we can request the server to get a filtered list by changing the _load implementation in our view service:

_load method in ezconf-listviewservice.js

After doing hat, you can manually tweak the URI to get a filtered list. For instance, if you go to /ez#/ezconf/list/10/folder you should only see Locations of Folders in the repository.

Content Type drop down list in the server response

Of course, the end user is not supposed to tweak the URI to filter by Content Type. To provide a usable interface, we will add a drop-down list where they can choose a Content Type to only get the corresponding list. Again, this is done server side by modifying the Controller to fetch the list of Content Types and Content Type Groups with the Content Type Service. Once this is done, the types and the groups can be passed to the Twig template to build a drop-down list in the following way:

Drop down list building

The complete change for that can be seen in the corresponding commit.

Filter by Content Type by using the drop down list

The only remaining feature is now to take into account the user interaction on the added drop-down list. The view is responsible for that and it will basically subscribe to the change DOM event on the list and will fire the  navigateTo event like we did in the offset case:

Drop down list change handling

Basically, when the user selects a value in the drop-down list, the view fires the navigateTo event to navigate to the eZConfListOffsetTypeIdentifier route with the corresponding Content Type identifier and the offset set to 0. The view service is still handling this event and takes the user to the corresponding page in the application.


And that's it! We now have a working interface to navigate through Content with a flat list that can be filtered by Content Type. The resulting code can be seen in the 8_filter tag on GitHub, this step result can also be viewed as a diff between tags 7_pagination and 8_filter. The conclusion page lists the potential improvement and some bugs in our current implementation. It also gives a list of documentation pages to read to go into more detail.