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EZP 5.2 / 2013.07

Version compatibility

This recipe is compatible with eZ Publish 5.2 / 2013.07


Custom tags

XMLText fieldtype supports a limited number of tags in its internal eZXML format to render HTML5. However, it is possible to extend the rendering by implementing custom tags.

As HTML5 rendering in eZ Platform is done through XSLT, you will need to create an XSL stylesheet to extend the rendering.


Note on legacy custom tags

To be able to edit a custom tag from admin interface, you'll still need to register your custom tag in the legacy kernel (at least the configuration part, template not being mandatory for edition).

Register your custom XSL stylesheet

To activate your custom tag rendering, you need to create an XSL stylesheet and to register it properly:


Each entry under custom_tags is a hash having the following properties:


Absolute path to the XSL to import.


Use %kernel.root_dir% parameter to start from ezpublish/ folder.


Priority of your stylesheet in the sequence of importing. The higher it is, the higher precedence it will have.

In XSL imports, in case of template overrides, the last imported XSL always wins. Hence custom XSL are loaded in reverse priority order.

Example of a custom XSL

The following example shows how to render the YouTube embed custom tag from jvEmbed legacy extension (see also related legacy configuration for content).

Note that all selected attributes are in custom namespace (this is the case for all custom tags attributes in internal eZXML).



PHP functions are registered in the XSLTProcessor, so you can use global PHP functions and static method calls to enhance the XSLT process (using php-function and php-functionString XSLT functions, see further info).

However, given this is only for static PHP code, it is only suitable for very simple use cases! For most use cases, where you need to inject some service for your logic, for instance Repository, you'll need to use Pre-converters instead (see below).

Using Pre-converters

Pre-converters are services that preprocess the internal XML before the XSLT rendering occurs. It can be useful if you need to manipulate the data stored in eZXML.

An example of use is what is done in the EmbedTagBundle for videos : video links are transformed in embed links.

Pre-converters receive the whole DOMDocument object for the current field. So you can easily do XPath queries and do some DOM manipulation against it.

Registering a pre-converter

All pre-converters need to:


services.yml in a bundle

Overriding existing XSL templates

As XSL stylesheets apply for the whole resulted DOM, you can of course override existing templates. This is where the priority property in configuration takes its sense.

Built-in XSL templates have 0 as priority


Consider the following example to switch from usage of <b> to <strong>:



  1. Hei, is there any example of using XSLTProcessor for using php functions?


  2. You need to implement a PreConverter for this. See EmbedTagBundle for an example.

  3. Thanx for your suggestions, I manage calling a static function in my Boundle Controller.
    Here is how i did it, i don't know if it's a good way to do it, but at least it worked and I'm not stuck anymore.
    This way I understand that we can do more advanced things than just call to php core functions.

    1. add xmlns:php="" to the xsl:stylesheet tag at the top.
    2. create urlToImage variable
      <xsl:variable name="urlToImage">
           <xsl:value-of select="php:function('My\Name\Space\Controller\MyController::getImageUrlByID',$theNodeID)"/>

    Finally use the variable in an image tag <img src="{$urlToImage}" />

    Feedback could be nice if you think I'm doing things wrong.

  4. This works, but as soon as you need some external service inside MyController::getImageUrlByID, database or whatever, you should strongly prefer to use Pre-Converter.

    Reason is that getImageUrlByID is a static function, hence can not use any properties/methods on the class, just static properties/functions. So while it is possible to inject Container to this class statically, it is considered very bad coding practice to do so by todays PHP standards. For one it makes it hard to test the functionality as you basically introduced globals this way, secondly globals in general tend to cause higher memory use as it does not free the use before after application shutdown. 

  5. I see, thank you for the good advice.