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Sort Clauses are the sorting options for Content and Location Search in eZ Platform. For generic use of API Search see Search Criteria and Sort Clauses.

A Sort Clause consists of two parts just like Criterion and FacetBuilder:

  • The API Value: SortClause
  • Specific handler per search engine: SortClausesHandler

The SortClause represents the value you use in the API, while SortClauseHandler deals with the business logic in the background, translating the value to something the Search engine can understand.

Implementation and availability of a handler sometimes depends on search engine capabilities and limitations.

Common concepts for all Sort Clauses 

For how to use each and every Sort Clause, see list below as it depends on the Sort Clause Value constructor, but in general you should be aware of the following common concept:

  • sortDirection: The direction to perform the sort, either Query::SORT_ASC (default) or Query:: SORT_DESC

List of Sort Clauses 

The list below reflects Sort Clauses available in the eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query\SortClause namespace (it is also possible to make a custom Sort Clause):

Arguments starting with "?" are optional.

Only for LocationSearch

Sort ClauseConstructor arguments description
Location\Depth >= 5.3/2014.03?sortDirection
Location\Id >= 5.3/2014.03?sortDirection
Location\IsMainLocation >= 5.3/2014.03?sortDirection
Location\Depth >= 5.3/2014.03?sortDirection
Location\Priority >= 5.3/2014.03?sortDirection
Location\Visibility >= 5.3/2014.03?sortDirection

Only for ContentSearch

Sort ClauseConstructor arguments description
LocationDepth DEPRECATED IN 5.3/2014.03Use LocationSearch with Location\Depth, since LocationDepth can give unpredictable results when content has several Locations.
LocationPath DEPRECATED IN 5.3/2014.03 
LocationPathString DEPRECATED IN 5.3/2014.03 
LocationPriority DEPRECATED IN 5.3/2014.03Use LocationSearch with Location\Priority, since LocationPriority can give unpredictable results when content has several Locations.


Sort ClauseConstructor arguments description
ContentName ?sortDirection
DatePublished ?sortDirection

typeIdentifier as string, fieldIdentifier as string, ?sortDirection, ?languageCode >= 5.3/2014.01 as string

MapLocationDistance >= 5.3/2014.03 typeIdentifier as string , fieldIdentifier as string , latitude as float ,   longitude as float, ? sortDirection, ?languageCode as string
SectionIdentifier ?sortDirection
SectionName ?sortDirection


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