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Form Block allows you to create forms on your Landing Page.


Form Block is used to place a form (questionnaire, survey, etc.) on the Landing Page. You can configure the fields that comprise the form. Information submitted by the visitor is automatically collected and can be sent to the specified person.


Form Block icon


In this topic



Form Block Settings

Form Block settings


Form nameTitle of the form that will be displayed to the user.
Fort introduction textDescription of the form.
Submit button labelText that will be displayed on the form submission button.



This section controls what happens after the form is submitted.

Redirect to locationLocation that will be shown after completing the form.
Redirect to URLURL that the user will be redirected to after completing the form.
Thank you messageMessage that will be displayed after form completion.
Form Manager emailData submitted by the user will be sent to the address provided here.
CCData submitted by the user will also be sent to the address(es) provided here.


Form Block fields

In the Fields tab you can add fields to the form by dragging them from the menu on the right.

All fields have five settings in common:

NameName of the field.
Admin labelAlternative, shorter version of the name. This will be used as as the column name in the results table.
Help textAdditional explanatory text.
Placeholder textThe text that fills the field before the user fills in their content.
RequiredWhether filling in the field is necessary for the form to be submitted.

Available fields

At the moment you can add three kinds of fields to a form:

  • Single Line Text
  • Paragraph Text
  • Email

Fields can have their own specific settings, namely:

For Single Line Text you can also define Minimum length and Maximum length of the text, and the Regular expression for validating the input content. Email can also have the Regular expression specified.


  • No labels