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RSS Block allows you to automatically load RSS news channels.


Use an RSS Block to automatically load and display favorite news and information from RSS (Really Simple Syndication) news feeds (aka channels). Retrieve the latest headlines and articles (or even audio files, video or photographs) and display them on your site. Subscribe to channels and receive announcements of published content in a free and easy way.


RSS Block icon



Available RSS Block settings

Option         Description

Use it to define the RSS Block name.


Enter a URL of a website which contains an RSS feed. The RSS Block will pull content from this feed.


Enter the maximum number of recent items that will be shown from the RSS feed.



Set how many of the latest content items will not be displayed.


If offset is set to two, then the first two items from the RSS Feed source will not be shown.

The block will then display the feed content from #3 and older only.


RSS Block configuration window

RSS Block configuration window