

Sets which units eZ publish considers binary units.



BinaryUnits= unit1; unit2;...


Binary units will get binary prefixes in front of the 'B' for byte or 'b' for bit. The possible units are listed in units.ini.

Use the UseSIUnits settings to force eZ publish to use SI prefixes instead of the standard OSI approved prefixes.

The configuration file units.ini allows you to alter the prefixes.


OSI prefixes

The binary number 1 048 576 byte will be displayed as 1 MB
The binary number 1 048 576 bit will be displayed as 1 Mb

SI prefixes

The binary number 1 048 576 byte will be displayed as 1 MiB
The binary number 1 048 576 bit will be displayed as 1 Mib

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