
ezpublish / documentation / ez publish / technical manual / 3.7 / concepts and basics

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Concepts and basics

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce and describe the most important concepts of eZ publish. A rookie developer should definitively read through this chapter in order to understand the basic terms, models, structures and building blocks of the system. This chapter is more generic than technical, it is meant to teach the concepts rather than explaining details. People previously unfamiliar with eZ publish should be able to collect enough information in order to understand the following issues:

  • The way eZ publish is built up
  • The main directory structure
  • The concept and necessity of separating content and design
  • How eZ publish stores and manages content
  • How eZ publish handles issues related to design
  • How eZ publish manages different sites
  • The concept of modules and views
  • The way eZ publish works with URLs
  • The configuration system
  • The structure of the workflow system
  • How the access/permission system works
  • How the webshop works
  • A typical page request cycle

Balazs Halasy (11/01/2005 8:15 am)

Balazs Halasy (11/11/2005 8:34 am)


  • PDF

    Can any of this documentation be downloaded as a PDF file?
    • downloadable docs available

      you can find the links to PDF files and ZIP archives on this page:

    Jesus, I can´t belive it - is it really a problem for the ez-crew to give us a documentation that PHP-Developers are used to? At least a tarball for offline browsing would be fine, also CHM-Files for quick search.

    AND, BTW, why aren´t there any videos? You will not believe how many users of ezpublish there would be, if you could offer a better documentation and also vids - so many people go to other systems just because of the better docs... think about it twice, should be worth the effort!

    A friend.