Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


attribute_edit_gui Outputs the edit template for a content object attribute.
attribute_pdf_gui Outputs the PDF template for a content object attribute (DEPRECATED).
attribute_result_gui Outputs the result template for a content object attribute.
attribute_view_gui Outputs the view template for a content object attribute.
class_attribute_edit_gui Outputs the edit template for a content class attribute.
class_attribute_view_gui Outputs the view template for a content class attribute.
collaboration_icon Outputs the icon for a collaboration item.
collaboration_participation_view Outputs information about a collaboration participant.
collaboration_simple_message_view Outputs the view template for a collaboration message.
collaboration_view_gui Outputs the template for a collaboration item.
content_pdf_gui Outputs the PDF template for a content object (DEPRECATED).
content_version_view_gui Outputs a view template for a content object version.
content_view_gui Outputs a view template for a content object.
event_edit_gui Outputs the edit template for a workflow event.
node_view_gui Outputs the view template for a node.
related_view_gui Not documented yet.
shop_account_view_gui Outputs the view template for a specified order.
tool_bar Outputs the template for a toolbar.

Balazs Halasy (09/03/2005 1:19 pm)

Balazs Halasy (09/03/2005 1:20 pm)


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