Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Outputs the view template for a content object attribute.


{attribute_view_gui attribute=attribute [ parameter=value [...] ]}


attribute object The target content object attribute. Yes.
parameters any Parameter(s) that will be passed to the included template. No.


This function shows the view interface for a content object attribute. The attribute must be specified (as a "ezcontentobjectattribute" object) using the "attribute" parameter. All other parameters (of any type) will be passed on and thus become available as template variables in the included template.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 1:14 pm)

Balazs Halasy (28/04/2005 2:12 pm)


  • Exemple


    It would be usefull to have an exemple on how to use parameter with attribute_view_gui function.

    • Re: Exemple

      In your calling template you do something like:

      {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.file link_text='Download'}

      Then in your attribute template you can access this variable by doing something like:

  • Images

    If you are displaying the image datatype (not objectrelation as the normal article class contains) you have the possiblility to set the size with image_class. Like this:

    {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.myimage image_class='large'}

    Where the sizes are defined in image.ini.
  • attribute_view_gui

    we know ,if we use this function .the system will insert a tag-<p> automatically! but i do not need this tag! but i want to display a object of XML.and i do not need <p>.so what i should do!?
    • Re: attribute_view_gui

      i guess you mean is :you use "attribute_view_gui" to display a XML,but template in ez can insert a <p> tag automatically.but you do not need a <p>. that is a question ,let me have a think
      • Re: Re: attribute_view_gui

        The system does not automatically insert a <p> tag.
        The tag is part of the attribute-level template.
        To produce xml you have to:
        - create different, xml templates, for the attribute types you need. You can set them for use eg. in a new view, called xml
        - call attribute_view_gui adding the 'view' parameter:
        {attribute_view_gui view = xml attribute = $item}

        see also the ggxmlview extension on