Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


eZ Autosave enables the automatic and transparent saving of a draft while editing content in eZ Publish.


  • Regularly saves the draft (interval defined in autosave.ini/[AutosaveSettings]/Interval)
  • Saves the draft when the user leaves a form field (enable/disable through autosave.ini/[AutosaveSettings]/TrackUserInput)
  • Hides the "Store draft" button (enable/disable through autosave.ini/[AutosaveSettings]/HideStoreDraftButton)
  • Tries to save the draft if the editor unexpectedly quits the content edit page (back button, close browser, ...)

The Autosave bar can be seen in the following screenshot:



Note: eZ Publish Autosave Extension can be activated on "Set Up", "Extensions".

André R. (21/02/2012 9:28 am)

Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski (23/05/2014 2:41 pm)

Andrea Melo, Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski


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